I am not European, but when I arrived to Germany for my studies, I realized something was wrong because it seemed that Germans were in the minority already. When I looked at the birthrates and demographics of the whole country, I came to the realization that Germany was irreversibly cooked, so I talked to my German boyfriend about it, and he did not believe me. Eventually I told him: "if everybody in Germany were foreigners, would you care?" and he replied: "as long as they speak to me in German I could not care less", so at that day a cried bitterly in one of the most disgraceful nights I have had in my whole life. Then I talked to my girlfriends about it and they called me basically nazi and insisted that Germany was modernizing and that was a good thing. At one point I had some verbal fight in which I told one of them that they are being demographically replaced by their government and she told me that I have had hurt her feelings and never talked to me ever again; long story short I never talked to Germans about it again and now I only see them self-destruct. My then boyfriend now is my husband and I accept that he's hypnotized by the media or the history of their country and that's it. I love them anyways and hope that they will eventually rise from the ashes. But France is the same, they are also in the exact same situation. The French with whom I have talked about the fact that they are dramatically dying out, excluded me completely from their social circle, which I must admit that did not affect me because I was disgusted by their statements anyway. But I am also permanently shocked and I would not believe it if I did not see it every single day.
A huge number of germans do not think at all, politically and socially. They believe whatever they're told to bellieve, whether by the supreme leader in the 30s or by their government and media today. And they always have a Borg "by the book" mindset. Ideology trumps everything. Just look how they willingly self-sabotaged their economy and their country in the energy department because they were sold green-energy bullshit and proxy war bullshit.
The English on the other hand, did this to themselves through degeneration into lower class hedonic emptiness (life without any vision except shopping, fucking, eating, binging, and so on). And the higher classes, literally the Norman elites, aspired to be americanized globohomos and not care an iota for their country and heritage, drove them to that through policy, education, and media.
Not so sure about the French case, but I think it resembles the English one. In all three cases, the elites completely betrayed their people and led them to this - it's just that in the German case most of the people were even more ideology driven idiots to willingly accept all this and to think it's great.
I have a slight admiration for those Normans. A handful of roboknights conquering Sicily and spreading mayhem from Khartoum to Edinburgh. That said their offspring are lethal, as they were.
You might find this article agrees with your viewpoint:
We have enjoyed a blessedly long period of peacetime and prosperity, but it’s made us very complacent, and quite insensitive to the risk of losing privileges hard-won by our ancestors. It’s like we’ve become the spoilt rich kids who’ve had everything easy, have had to fight for nothing, and who can’t now contemplate the possibility that their lifestyle could degrade. But that’s an illusion which can fail dramatically.
Yes, it is an illusion that can fail dramatically. The surveys carried out by The British Social Attitudes Survey (https://natcen.ac.uk/publications/british-social-attitudes-41-national-identity) show that the big divide in the UK is still Leave vs Remain/Rejoin ie: Nationalist vs Internationalist. The Rejoiners would happily, deliberately destroy their nation to achieve their objective. And they have done so.
No. Govts have created the situation where the economic conditions are worse for those starting out in life, migrants are brought in and the population told "You have no culture, no food, no clothing style and you're drunks and you're inferior".
Anyone who has studied history will know this is exactly what was done to the Welsh, the South Americans, native Americans, Aboriginis etc etc. Your govt has been working against you deliberately. If you can't see that then there is no hope for your part of the genome.
I am mostly English by blood, some Scandinavian. My ancestors for whatever reason took a boat to Canada. I've never set foot on English soil but when I looked at the picture above I couldn't help but notice how one of the young boys looked very similar to my brothers and I at that age. The population has been purposefully lulled into complacency very deliberately and slowly via cognitive warfare. It is a genocide and it is happening to N.W. Europeans specifically and wherever they currently call home.
I have taken a hard stance on this. Immigration is the destruction of Western civilization. "Racism" is a social construct that denies the right of national sovereignty by hereditary that equals RACE. So, the majority 3rd world population demands that whites (7% of world population) accept invasion. It's ludicrous.
There's nothing wrong with nationalism called racism. It is appalling for me to see the elegant & rugged British accept invasion by such inferior nations. Nations & civilizations are not equal. What nations are superior to Europe? And European America? None.
It’s not the third world population who are demanding we accept invasion. It’s those at the very top of the pyramid who are manipulating all of this and who want to wipe out white Christian Europeans. They are the’Gods chosen people’ tribe.
The socialists destroyed the English. Two world wars decimated them physically; then the socialists came in and destroyed the English spirit of duty and stiff upper lip.
Sadly this is the denouement of the English class war.
The socialist leadership actually hate the English - see http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/596703.stm - but the upper class Tory Establishment (the Camerons, Clarkes, Heseltines, Osbornes) also despise the ordinary English and see them as chavs whose children do not deserve to inherit the country.
Socialists / Conservatives doesn’t mean anything in this case- The ones who want to rid the world of white Europeans are of the ‘God’s chosen people’ tribe. White Europeans are an endangered species & a minority world-wide already.
Perhaps we should look at our neighbours. The events of the past 25 years are more like a civil war without actual fighting. Half the population believes in terminating nation states and the other half think they are worth preserving.
I think there is an open attack on nations being mounted by big business. They want the free movement of people, money and goods. In contrast the nations should desire the good of their People and prevent wage rates falling, over-population, housing becoming too expensive, the destruction of the local culture etc..
It’s time England was invited to join the uk as a Nation and not a collection of regions that no one asked for . In 2004 North East England voted No to the abolition of England into regions . I am happy for an English Parliament to be convened as soon as possible . If this means the end of the uk so be it
George Osborne and the heirs to Blair carried on with the mission to abolish England into regions . I don’t have much hope that Reform will do anything for England either.
The upper/middle class have 'won' the class war but it is a Pyrrhic victory - their children will, in the long run, lose their country like the lower classes.
Sadly Reform can only work with the broken remains of the country. Those who talk of deportations etc. seem to have no idea of the scale of the middle class victory. They have really trashed the place, as the Americans might say.
Their children and children's children will need to decide whether they want to be Muslim later this century (3 kids per family so will be the majority eventually). It will be fine for the boys.
If the demographics are correct this choice may be forced on people's grandchildren. The English middle class seem to have chosen for their children to be a minority in what was once their own land.
Modern English, French and Germans gave up on Western Civilization and culture 50 years ago. They are perfectly willing to accept their own replacement by religions and cultures that despise them and will exterminate the survivors. Their daughters will be chattel. No need to wonder how tribes exterminated or supplanted others. They can see it with their own eyes and do not care. As they morphed into neutered white mice they see the advance of Cobras and convince themselves that the Cobra will be a vegetarian and coexistence is possible.
The core of this problem is that middle class English parents feel that they are not entitled to impart a sense of English identity in their children. Or any identity. It is this that creates mice ripe for consumption by those who know their own identity.
I agree. This is a common theme across western civilization consumed by misplaced compassion and guilt imposed on past generations by current values. The evil oppressor vs the noble savage.
Pop had a LOT of combat experience. Korea, 4 tours Viet Nam, Cold War shit that was very scary. He used to call it give-up-itis, the disease of not wanting to live badly enough you actually die. Unless you have had serious depression, it's hard to understand how you can look at the world and think it's all better off without you. It's like the West in general, and England in particular, is suffering severe depression. We've suffered societal-level severe depression that some cultures just want to off themselves and go gently into that good night.
The English have been ‘psyoped’ to self loath. It’s Cultural Marxism’s end game to destroy all that is good. England has been made to feel culpable for her past. Even had her history rewritten- denial that England alone shed blood to end the slave trade. Don’t underestimate the feeling for England outside of big cities.
I used to think like you - how come those people don't care about that.
Then Covid happened and opened my eyes. Most people (and that includes the English) are petty, cowardly normies.
Now I say: They shall vanish!
We need a new race of strong willed, wild people. Clearly the English in their current state are not that race - maybe some muslim or hindu admixture will produce better results.
The modern political battle is between Nationalism and Internationalism. This has a twist because Internationalism means rule by China. There is little doubt that unless the USA and UK educate their populations against Internationalism humanity will end up in a Chinese style, global, surveillance state within a century.
> This has a twist because Internationalism means rule by China
That's an Americanized take as they fear not being the top economy anymore.
But it's a projection. China has done very little to rule anybody. US/UK/EU countries have had wars all over the globe, colonies all over the globe, army bases everywhere, and still decide the fates of people half the world away.
> humanity will end up in a Chinese style, global, surveillance state within a century.
Here in the west we're already in a worst than China style surveillance and nanny state, with the full academy and press complicit as well.
At least China's leaders care for their country's advancement.
"Here in the west we're already in a worst than China style surveillance and nanny state, with the full academy and press complicit as well."
I have visited China several times. Please believe me when I report that the surveillance and oppression in the West of China and Tibet truly is worse than anything that has been reported in our media. What is most scary is that they are so good at it. If you were one of the millions of Han settlers in Xinjiang and Tibet your security would be nearly perfect. No worries about the locals even though they all hate you. They would kill you if they could but they certainly cannot.
Chinese surveillance and control is, as yet, only an aspiration for the West.
You are right about our nanny state. The official Chinese line is that education and health care are free. However, almost the first subject raised during conversations is 'how much do you pay to send your children to school?' and 'what does the doctor charge?'. The charges in China are fairly high, one woman said she paid about 15% of the family income on education for young children. I particularly remember her saying 'we thought we were the communists!' when I told her what happened in the UK.
The worst of all this is that I really like the Chinese people. They are surprisingly blunt yet friendly. Almost like the archetypal English northerner.
One last thing. China really is first world nowadays, visibly. Without their financial support of the Russians and Iranians/Hamas etc. the Ukraine and Gaza wars would end tomorrow.
When I was a child, the men around me, who all wore hats,had muscles and smoked, and had fought in World War II, used to say “the yellow race will rule the world “,.
Islam literally means submission, Muslim means "one who submits." They are not a race of free thinkers or rebels. They are cowards and pederasts. Always have been.
I am saying I see sheep everywhere - be it among muslims, hindu or among us westerners. A look around my native English neighbourhood makes me laugh at the idea that Europeans / Christians inherently produce better people.
I was in Birmingham during Covid and couldn’t believe how compliant the Asian people were. Muslims and Hindus . They are very easy to scare and have absolutely no courage whatsoever. This is what the international corporate Jewish entities want in a population. They don’t want brave, courageous fit and healthy people.
I was in Germany and England during Covid. In Germany, the Turks and Russians were overall less compliant and less scared than the Germans. In England, I mainly interacted with Brits who were for the most part compliant and scared. It would be nice if Brits or Germans were brave, courageous, fit and healthy. Alas, in reality most of them are as weak and spineless as most members of any other peoples - change my mind.
The Turkish and Russians both believe in their nations. The Turkish intelligentsia are aware that they are descended from one of the great global civilisations and proudly tell their students and children about this. The British intelligentsia are descended from the greatest global civilisation of the past millennium and tell their students and children to be ashamed.
This is really the end game of the English class war. The london urban elites of who have promoted and engineered this multi-culturalism hate the English working class, specifically those of the midlands and the north, who have watched their cities being literally taken over. First by indians and pakistanis and later by Muslims. English culture was already dying in the 60s and 70s when I was young. The villages and rural communities were bought up and taken over by wealthy urbanites, the northern and midland cities were destroyed by deliberately engineered economic decline and immigration.
White europeans of this generation are culturally, intellectually,morally and sexually degenerate with anti human so called “values” , unable to barely even reproduce. When this occurs as it has with other human groups in history, then of course they are overwhelmed and become an insignificant minority. That this has occurred at such an alarming rate , accelerating in the last 20 years is perhaps historically exceptional. Given the state of current values in the west in general and europe in particular, good riddance.
China is a red herring. The attack on the West came from itself, and it has started way before China was even a player. If anything for such a huge and important state and economy China is extremely reticent to be a leader.
Anything self-defeating seen today (from stupid values to self-hating your country) has been in motion for several centuries (enlightenment, scientism, priority of greed and economic interests above everything else, disenchantment, consumerism, amd so on). It's just that there was momentum from earlier times that kept propelling things forward, and it took until WWII to finally settle and take over completely.
The decline of western industry, for example, didn't came out of China. It was handed over to China by choice of western elites, following the same logic of maximizing profit and root-less-ness that has been prevalent for the whole of 20th century.
I agree with what you are saying and also disagree. The problems for the UK started with the end of Empire and the Soviet subversions. Both Left and Right worked to destroy England. In earnest from the mid 1960s onwards.
Once the elites got to have their Empire, it made them more interested in global power games than advancing their own country and nation's life.
They were already cosmopolitan - and not interested in the fate of the local populations, having the whole world to milk. Agricultural products and factories? They could get those things abroad too, and cut down on costs of paying domestic workers, while passing the expenses to the public.
It was the rise and decline of the Roman Empire again, compressed to 1/10th the time span.
The less fortunate aspiring academic and managerial classes carried the torch of the Left, because it was fashionable (and thus could help them advance inside a movement) and also because it justified their resentments. They dropped it for the next thing (centrism and Blairism) that promised careers as soon as it went out of fashion.
I don't believe China is orchestrating anybody. Not even to the level of being credibly used as a scapegoat for the elites. They're simply a non-player in all this.
The UK and European elites after all were perfectly capable of orchestrating the huge sabotages of UK and Europe that was War World I and II on their own, when China wasn't even on the map, and USSR had their own share of problems. And in both WWI and WWII perfectly capable of sucking up to the US, which used war lending and the Marshall Plan to make those ex european powers their client states.
That’s as maybe, but I look at it in simple human terms. Is a given human being, male or female (gender is a mental disease) self sufficient,able to perform useful work to support themselves, able to raise and support a family and optionally practice some form of a real religion. If they can then global movements, the mental illness of so called elites (in reality degenerates) becomes less important, they are unpleasant background noise, to be ignored or navigated and fought (when necessary and effective). If you look at europeans fewer and fewer are able perform the functions referred to above. All of these functions revolve around the family as the fundamental human group, many europeans and Westerners in general are anti family and hence anti human and unnatural. Nature deals with the unnatural- they become extinct.
> If you look at europeans fewer and fewer are able perform the functions referred to above. All of these functions revolve around the family as the fundamental human group, many europeans and Westerners in general are anti family and hence anti human and unnatural.
Yes, but one has also to look at the causes. The changes in official "state philosophy", the development of dehumanizing industry and office work, the full saturation of people with bullshit 24/7 from media and advertising, the policies, the exhaustion from the useless WWI and WWII, the rise of consumerism and narcissism, and so on, created an environment for that. They didn't just wake up one day and were so.
Ok , so after you look at the causes and analyse them , what do you as an individual do? Analysis is only useful if it has an act or at least a decision as an outcome.
Lots of analysis on Substack , not much “do this or try this “. I think this part of the problem with westerners we were educated to analyse “think” but not to do. I find I have more respect for tradesmen (who can do stuff) these days than university educated types(of which alas I’m one)
I left England for America 32 years ago and I’m now 72. I started posting on FB about 4 years ago that the English were a doomed species and pointed out the difference in birthrates between Islamists and indigenous people. I was, of course, reviled and insulted and called a racist. Now, the chickens are coming home to roost and many of my friends have woken up but, I fear, too late.
I am not European, but when I arrived to Germany for my studies, I realized something was wrong because it seemed that Germans were in the minority already. When I looked at the birthrates and demographics of the whole country, I came to the realization that Germany was irreversibly cooked, so I talked to my German boyfriend about it, and he did not believe me. Eventually I told him: "if everybody in Germany were foreigners, would you care?" and he replied: "as long as they speak to me in German I could not care less", so at that day a cried bitterly in one of the most disgraceful nights I have had in my whole life. Then I talked to my girlfriends about it and they called me basically nazi and insisted that Germany was modernizing and that was a good thing. At one point I had some verbal fight in which I told one of them that they are being demographically replaced by their government and she told me that I have had hurt her feelings and never talked to me ever again; long story short I never talked to Germans about it again and now I only see them self-destruct. My then boyfriend now is my husband and I accept that he's hypnotized by the media or the history of their country and that's it. I love them anyways and hope that they will eventually rise from the ashes. But France is the same, they are also in the exact same situation. The French with whom I have talked about the fact that they are dramatically dying out, excluded me completely from their social circle, which I must admit that did not affect me because I was disgusted by their statements anyway. But I am also permanently shocked and I would not believe it if I did not see it every single day.
A huge number of germans do not think at all, politically and socially. They believe whatever they're told to bellieve, whether by the supreme leader in the 30s or by their government and media today. And they always have a Borg "by the book" mindset. Ideology trumps everything. Just look how they willingly self-sabotaged their economy and their country in the energy department because they were sold green-energy bullshit and proxy war bullshit.
The English on the other hand, did this to themselves through degeneration into lower class hedonic emptiness (life without any vision except shopping, fucking, eating, binging, and so on). And the higher classes, literally the Norman elites, aspired to be americanized globohomos and not care an iota for their country and heritage, drove them to that through policy, education, and media.
Not so sure about the French case, but I think it resembles the English one. In all three cases, the elites completely betrayed their people and led them to this - it's just that in the German case most of the people were even more ideology driven idiots to willingly accept all this and to think it's great.
I have a slight admiration for those Normans. A handful of roboknights conquering Sicily and spreading mayhem from Khartoum to Edinburgh. That said their offspring are lethal, as they were.
You might find this article agrees with your viewpoint:
We have enjoyed a blessedly long period of peacetime and prosperity, but it’s made us very complacent, and quite insensitive to the risk of losing privileges hard-won by our ancestors. It’s like we’ve become the spoilt rich kids who’ve had everything easy, have had to fight for nothing, and who can’t now contemplate the possibility that their lifestyle could degrade. But that’s an illusion which can fail dramatically.
Yes, it is an illusion that can fail dramatically. The surveys carried out by The British Social Attitudes Survey (https://natcen.ac.uk/publications/british-social-attitudes-41-national-identity) show that the big divide in the UK is still Leave vs Remain/Rejoin ie: Nationalist vs Internationalist. The Rejoiners would happily, deliberately destroy their nation to achieve their objective. And they have done so.
See https://therenwhere.substack.com/p/the-destruction-of-britain which discusses how geopolitics is driving events.
No. Govts have created the situation where the economic conditions are worse for those starting out in life, migrants are brought in and the population told "You have no culture, no food, no clothing style and you're drunks and you're inferior".
A typical example is here https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/feb/26/white-culture-statistics-vegetables-alcohol
Anyone who has studied history will know this is exactly what was done to the Welsh, the South Americans, native Americans, Aboriginis etc etc. Your govt has been working against you deliberately. If you can't see that then there is no hope for your part of the genome.
I am mostly English by blood, some Scandinavian. My ancestors for whatever reason took a boat to Canada. I've never set foot on English soil but when I looked at the picture above I couldn't help but notice how one of the young boys looked very similar to my brothers and I at that age. The population has been purposefully lulled into complacency very deliberately and slowly via cognitive warfare. It is a genocide and it is happening to N.W. Europeans specifically and wherever they currently call home.
I have taken a hard stance on this. Immigration is the destruction of Western civilization. "Racism" is a social construct that denies the right of national sovereignty by hereditary that equals RACE. So, the majority 3rd world population demands that whites (7% of world population) accept invasion. It's ludicrous.
There's nothing wrong with nationalism called racism. It is appalling for me to see the elegant & rugged British accept invasion by such inferior nations. Nations & civilizations are not equal. What nations are superior to Europe? And European America? None.
You would like https://therenwhere.substack.com/p/the-new-racism which describes the attack that you describe.
The English middle classes are shockingly New Racist because the BBC has told them it is virtuous.
Subscribed. Thank you.
It’s not the third world population who are demanding we accept invasion. It’s those at the very top of the pyramid who are manipulating all of this and who want to wipe out white Christian Europeans. They are the’Gods chosen people’ tribe.
The socialists destroyed the English. Two world wars decimated them physically; then the socialists came in and destroyed the English spirit of duty and stiff upper lip.
You are right about the socialists. However, the Conservatives were just as bad - see https://therenwhere.substack.com/p/why-did-the-english-self-destruct for a description of the forces at work.
Sadly this is the denouement of the English class war.
The socialist leadership actually hate the English - see http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/596703.stm - but the upper class Tory Establishment (the Camerons, Clarkes, Heseltines, Osbornes) also despise the ordinary English and see them as chavs whose children do not deserve to inherit the country.
Socialists / Conservatives doesn’t mean anything in this case- The ones who want to rid the world of white Europeans are of the ‘God’s chosen people’ tribe. White Europeans are an endangered species & a minority world-wide already.
Perhaps we should look at our neighbours. The events of the past 25 years are more like a civil war without actual fighting. Half the population believes in terminating nation states and the other half think they are worth preserving.
I think there is an open attack on nations being mounted by big business. They want the free movement of people, money and goods. In contrast the nations should desire the good of their People and prevent wage rates falling, over-population, housing becoming too expensive, the destruction of the local culture etc..
It’s time England was invited to join the uk as a Nation and not a collection of regions that no one asked for . In 2004 North East England voted No to the abolition of England into regions . I am happy for an English Parliament to be convened as soon as possible . If this means the end of the uk so be it
Labour has always seen England as the enemy.. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/596703.stm
George Osborne and the heirs to Blair carried on with the mission to abolish England into regions . I don’t have much hope that Reform will do anything for England either.
The upper/middle class have 'won' the class war but it is a Pyrrhic victory - their children will, in the long run, lose their country like the lower classes.
Sadly Reform can only work with the broken remains of the country. Those who talk of deportations etc. seem to have no idea of the scale of the middle class victory. They have really trashed the place, as the Americans might say.
The UK is a corporation, not a country.
Glad someone finally said it. My kids wouldn't let me
Their children and children's children will need to decide whether they want to be Muslim later this century (3 kids per family so will be the majority eventually). It will be fine for the boys.
Nobody should accept Islam as a moral guide
If the demographics are correct this choice may be forced on people's grandchildren. The English middle class seem to have chosen for their children to be a minority in what was once their own land.
See https://therenwhere.substack.com/p/the-future-of-the-uk which has the data on when Islam will be the major force in UK politics and society.
Modern English, French and Germans gave up on Western Civilization and culture 50 years ago. They are perfectly willing to accept their own replacement by religions and cultures that despise them and will exterminate the survivors. Their daughters will be chattel. No need to wonder how tribes exterminated or supplanted others. They can see it with their own eyes and do not care. As they morphed into neutered white mice they see the advance of Cobras and convince themselves that the Cobra will be a vegetarian and coexistence is possible.
The core of this problem is that middle class English parents feel that they are not entitled to impart a sense of English identity in their children. Or any identity. It is this that creates mice ripe for consumption by those who know their own identity.
I agree. This is a common theme across western civilization consumed by misplaced compassion and guilt imposed on past generations by current values. The evil oppressor vs the noble savage.
Pop had a LOT of combat experience. Korea, 4 tours Viet Nam, Cold War shit that was very scary. He used to call it give-up-itis, the disease of not wanting to live badly enough you actually die. Unless you have had serious depression, it's hard to understand how you can look at the world and think it's all better off without you. It's like the West in general, and England in particular, is suffering severe depression. We've suffered societal-level severe depression that some cultures just want to off themselves and go gently into that good night.
The English have been ‘psyoped’ to self loath. It’s Cultural Marxism’s end game to destroy all that is good. England has been made to feel culpable for her past. Even had her history rewritten- denial that England alone shed blood to end the slave trade. Don’t underestimate the feeling for England outside of big cities.
By design…
I used to think like you - how come those people don't care about that.
Then Covid happened and opened my eyes. Most people (and that includes the English) are petty, cowardly normies.
Now I say: They shall vanish!
We need a new race of strong willed, wild people. Clearly the English in their current state are not that race - maybe some muslim or hindu admixture will produce better results.
The modern political battle is between Nationalism and Internationalism. This has a twist because Internationalism means rule by China. There is little doubt that unless the USA and UK educate their populations against Internationalism humanity will end up in a Chinese style, global, surveillance state within a century.
See Forget Gender, Polarisation is the Objective - https://therenwhere.substack.com/p/forget-gender-polarisation-is-the
> This has a twist because Internationalism means rule by China
That's an Americanized take as they fear not being the top economy anymore.
But it's a projection. China has done very little to rule anybody. US/UK/EU countries have had wars all over the globe, colonies all over the globe, army bases everywhere, and still decide the fates of people half the world away.
> humanity will end up in a Chinese style, global, surveillance state within a century.
Here in the west we're already in a worst than China style surveillance and nanny state, with the full academy and press complicit as well.
At least China's leaders care for their country's advancement.
"Here in the west we're already in a worst than China style surveillance and nanny state, with the full academy and press complicit as well."
I have visited China several times. Please believe me when I report that the surveillance and oppression in the West of China and Tibet truly is worse than anything that has been reported in our media. What is most scary is that they are so good at it. If you were one of the millions of Han settlers in Xinjiang and Tibet your security would be nearly perfect. No worries about the locals even though they all hate you. They would kill you if they could but they certainly cannot.
Chinese surveillance and control is, as yet, only an aspiration for the West.
You are right about our nanny state. The official Chinese line is that education and health care are free. However, almost the first subject raised during conversations is 'how much do you pay to send your children to school?' and 'what does the doctor charge?'. The charges in China are fairly high, one woman said she paid about 15% of the family income on education for young children. I particularly remember her saying 'we thought we were the communists!' when I told her what happened in the UK.
The worst of all this is that I really like the Chinese people. They are surprisingly blunt yet friendly. Almost like the archetypal English northerner.
One last thing. China really is first world nowadays, visibly. Without their financial support of the Russians and Iranians/Hamas etc. the Ukraine and Gaza wars would end tomorrow.
When I was a child, the men around me, who all wore hats,had muscles and smoked, and had fought in World War II, used to say “the yellow race will rule the world “,.
Islam literally means submission, Muslim means "one who submits." They are not a race of free thinkers or rebels. They are cowards and pederasts. Always have been.
It means "one who submits" to God. Like the Christian peoples used to believe too ("one nation UNDER God" and all that).
And when they did believe that, they were much freer thinking and rebellious that today's atheist hive mind consumerist drones...
So it's not this kind of submission which is the problem...
Laughable that you would think Hindu and/or Muslim religion would produce anything other sheep like adherents.
Anarchists are needed, no rulers.
I am saying I see sheep everywhere - be it among muslims, hindu or among us westerners. A look around my native English neighbourhood makes me laugh at the idea that Europeans / Christians inherently produce better people.
Did you take the clot shot?
No, I got myself a religious exception, and given that I am an atheist, it was even more enjoyable
The major role of the English over the past 400 years was a result of separate cultural development. See https://therenwhere.substack.com/p/the-history-of-england
Very interesting article, I didn't know the Anglo-Saxon admixture had such a low genetic impact.
I also think the fluoride in the water has made people stupid & probably about 70% of people are on medication if not more. Pathetic.
I was in Birmingham during Covid and couldn’t believe how compliant the Asian people were. Muslims and Hindus . They are very easy to scare and have absolutely no courage whatsoever. This is what the international corporate Jewish entities want in a population. They don’t want brave, courageous fit and healthy people.
I was in Germany and England during Covid. In Germany, the Turks and Russians were overall less compliant and less scared than the Germans. In England, I mainly interacted with Brits who were for the most part compliant and scared. It would be nice if Brits or Germans were brave, courageous, fit and healthy. Alas, in reality most of them are as weak and spineless as most members of any other peoples - change my mind.
The Turkish and Russians both believe in their nations. The Turkish intelligentsia are aware that they are descended from one of the great global civilisations and proudly tell their students and children about this. The British intelligentsia are descended from the greatest global civilisation of the past millennium and tell their students and children to be ashamed.
Certainly true.
This is really the end game of the English class war. The london urban elites of who have promoted and engineered this multi-culturalism hate the English working class, specifically those of the midlands and the north, who have watched their cities being literally taken over. First by indians and pakistanis and later by Muslims. English culture was already dying in the 60s and 70s when I was young. The villages and rural communities were bought up and taken over by wealthy urbanites, the northern and midland cities were destroyed by deliberately engineered economic decline and immigration.
Yes. People such as yourself, who have seen the changes over the past 50 years can see the roots of what has happened. Did you read https://therenwhere.substack.com/p/why-did-the-english-self-destruct
White europeans of this generation are culturally, intellectually,morally and sexually degenerate with anti human so called “values” , unable to barely even reproduce. When this occurs as it has with other human groups in history, then of course they are overwhelmed and become an insignificant minority. That this has occurred at such an alarming rate , accelerating in the last 20 years is perhaps historically exceptional. Given the state of current values in the west in general and europe in particular, good riddance.
Sadly you may have hit the nail on the head. But I can see hope. We could change.
The attack on the West has come from global business and China. See https://therenwhere.substack.com/p/forget-gender-polarisation-is-the
China is a red herring. The attack on the West came from itself, and it has started way before China was even a player. If anything for such a huge and important state and economy China is extremely reticent to be a leader.
Anything self-defeating seen today (from stupid values to self-hating your country) has been in motion for several centuries (enlightenment, scientism, priority of greed and economic interests above everything else, disenchantment, consumerism, amd so on). It's just that there was momentum from earlier times that kept propelling things forward, and it took until WWII to finally settle and take over completely.
The decline of western industry, for example, didn't came out of China. It was handed over to China by choice of western elites, following the same logic of maximizing profit and root-less-ness that has been prevalent for the whole of 20th century.
I agree with what you are saying and also disagree. The problems for the UK started with the end of Empire and the Soviet subversions. Both Left and Right worked to destroy England. In earnest from the mid 1960s onwards.
See https://therenwhere.substack.com/p/why-did-the-english-self-destruct
Today China is orchestrating both the Right and the Left but I agree that these poisonous, Internationalist factions in the West are home brewed.
Once the elites got to have their Empire, it made them more interested in global power games than advancing their own country and nation's life.
They were already cosmopolitan - and not interested in the fate of the local populations, having the whole world to milk. Agricultural products and factories? They could get those things abroad too, and cut down on costs of paying domestic workers, while passing the expenses to the public.
It was the rise and decline of the Roman Empire again, compressed to 1/10th the time span.
The less fortunate aspiring academic and managerial classes carried the torch of the Left, because it was fashionable (and thus could help them advance inside a movement) and also because it justified their resentments. They dropped it for the next thing (centrism and Blairism) that promised careers as soon as it went out of fashion.
I don't believe China is orchestrating anybody. Not even to the level of being credibly used as a scapegoat for the elites. They're simply a non-player in all this.
The UK and European elites after all were perfectly capable of orchestrating the huge sabotages of UK and Europe that was War World I and II on their own, when China wasn't even on the map, and USSR had their own share of problems. And in both WWI and WWII perfectly capable of sucking up to the US, which used war lending and the Marshall Plan to make those ex european powers their client states.
That’s as maybe, but I look at it in simple human terms. Is a given human being, male or female (gender is a mental disease) self sufficient,able to perform useful work to support themselves, able to raise and support a family and optionally practice some form of a real religion. If they can then global movements, the mental illness of so called elites (in reality degenerates) becomes less important, they are unpleasant background noise, to be ignored or navigated and fought (when necessary and effective). If you look at europeans fewer and fewer are able perform the functions referred to above. All of these functions revolve around the family as the fundamental human group, many europeans and Westerners in general are anti family and hence anti human and unnatural. Nature deals with the unnatural- they become extinct.
People can be led into extinction by implanting the characteristics that cause extinction.
> If you look at europeans fewer and fewer are able perform the functions referred to above. All of these functions revolve around the family as the fundamental human group, many europeans and Westerners in general are anti family and hence anti human and unnatural.
Yes, but one has also to look at the causes. The changes in official "state philosophy", the development of dehumanizing industry and office work, the full saturation of people with bullshit 24/7 from media and advertising, the policies, the exhaustion from the useless WWI and WWII, the rise of consumerism and narcissism, and so on, created an environment for that. They didn't just wake up one day and were so.
Ok , so after you look at the causes and analyse them , what do you as an individual do? Analysis is only useful if it has an act or at least a decision as an outcome.
Lots of analysis on Substack , not much “do this or try this “. I think this part of the problem with westerners we were educated to analyse “think” but not to do. I find I have more respect for tradesmen (who can do stuff) these days than university educated types(of which alas I’m one)
We’re (generalising ++) not good breeders, not ambitious and had too many cushions for a long time
I left England for America 32 years ago and I’m now 72. I started posting on FB about 4 years ago that the English were a doomed species and pointed out the difference in birthrates between Islamists and indigenous people. I was, of course, reviled and insulted and called a racist. Now, the chickens are coming home to roost and many of my friends have woken up but, I fear, too late.