There are two forms of oppressive reaction to race. Internationalists use the New Racism: the desire to remove all racial differences to eradicate race in their country and in the world. Traditionalists express their racism as the removal or oppression of people with a different race from themselves. Both are seeking racial purity, New Racists want coffee coloured people practising a global culture and Traditional Racists want their own colour of people practising local culture.
Outside the USA the New Racism has arisen as a result of a battle for power between the People and internationalist groups such as multinational corporations and banks. Since WWII many powerful international bodies such as the UN, WEF, EU, WTO have been established and these are now competing for control with national governments. Internationalists can gain power and control national government if those who have a similar background, a common culture and local interests are removed from politics.
The replacement of local people using colonisation is, and has always been, the tool of choice for the New Racists. It was used by the European imperialists and is used in large, authoritarian nations such as China to control minorities.
Many New Racists do not realise that they are doing wrong. They actively work for colonisation. They actively oppose people who defend their race against the incomers if this race is the governing group. This is clearly racist but the New Racists imagine they are being anti-racist. The colonisation of nation states with other races to remove the national culture and power is the objective of this racist behaviour.
Are the New Racists right? Is the eradication of races a good idea? The optimum state for humanity is for the world to contain multiple cultures and peoples that co-exist in peace. This creates the possibility of cultures arising that have advantageous ways of living and these improvements can be adopted by other cultures if they wish. Diversity is the fundamental property of vigorous and successful ecosystems. New Racism is opposed to this diversity, it is morally wrong, it is Imperialism.
Of course, once the colonisation is advanced then New Racism is necessary to re-establish unity. This is the case in the USA.
The original foundation of the United Nations had the diversity of independent nation states as a guiding principle. This has now ended.
It might sound like it is being suggested that there is a complex conspiracy. There is no conspiracy, the New Racists protect the colonists and deride the indigents. It is old fashioned imperialism. It is that simple and happens openly everywhere in the West.
The mass import of foreign labour at rates which greatly exceed the peak flows during 19th century colonisations removes power from the native Westerners. These mass movements of people are so effective that for instance, in England the native population will be a minority by c.2050. Job done. (See Why did the English Self Destruct?). Once the nations have gone the Internationalists can rule. However, even 20% of colonists can cause major disruption and political change which leads to more New Racism to ‘protect minorities’.
New Racism is an Imperialist movement that uses colonisation to gain power. It is about dispossessing a “People” of power over their land. The desire is for a single culture and a single, uniform people that has global power. It will be controlled by the ultra rich, multinational corporations and China. (See The Globalist Threat).
The empires of the past few centuries provide numerous examples of New Racist activity such as the movement of Russians to the Donbas, Protestant Scots to N.Ireland, Europeans to N. America, Jews to Palestine etc. and show how effective it can be to disrupt nations.
This imperialist desire is easy to inculcate into children and the young because what timid child would not prefer all of their peers to have predictable behaviours and even the same colour of skin as themselves? Coffee coloured people believing in nothing and “living as one” are ultimately non-threatening. Just “Imagine” it.
Yes, just imagine an end to the call to prayer on a misty dawn or the termination of the market at Chichicastenango
or an end to the people processing round the Schwedagon Pagoda in Burma:
Source: Cultural Travel Guide
The idea of a uniform world is the idea of people who have no idea of the wonder of the world. It is childish.
Historically the mature members of governments have always pushed back against the New Racism. However, in the past 25 years the power of multinational corporations has increased massively. It is as if the East India Company has been reborn and is demanding the right to make the world uniform for profit. (See The Globalist Threat).
There was an excellent example of New Racism at the 2024 Glastonbury Festival. The corporate organisers allowed the artist “Banksy” to drop a model boatload of illegal asylum seekers on the crowd.
The crowd was happy that the organisers had extreme security on the borders of the site to stop gatecrashers because these would imperil their enjoyment of the event but were also happy to make the (lower class) population of the UK share their land with any number of people travelling from France, a safe country. They regarded the indigenous people of the UK to be racists if they refused to be colonised. All of the events at Glastonbury from the site security, through the Banksy “artwork” to the support for colonisation of the UK were about corporate profit.
The children support this new imperialism because it is sold as holy, as making them more secure and as a means of dealing with global issues. They are told that the expansion of NATO to the borders of Russia will make us all safer, that China is a harmless trading partner, that COP meetings in the oil states of Dubai and Azerbaijan will stop climate change, that the merger of countries into large, uniform entities such as the EU is the hope for a secure future.
The New Racists in Western Europe use the following argument: France, UK etc. are the home of many cultures, they are multicultural societies. The French, English etc. are the whole population of France, England etc. Any claim to the national culture by any group, including the previous natives who lay claim to being French, English etc., is racist and must be punished. Of course, the New Racists have engineered social change to create this ‘argument’ - see Note 1.
The objective of New Racism is to remove any claim to local control or power by the previous natives. It exists to remove Nations. Its objective is to shift power and control to international bodies such as the EU and UN that have no allegiance to any People.
Countries must have the right to stop colonisation if it exceeds 0.2% of the population in a year (including first generation children ie: less than 5-10% population replacement by colonists in 50 years - this is under 130,000 pa in the UK), they must be able to run their own economies and protect their domestic industries and culture. Without such rights the imperialists will condemn the world to a nasty uniformity.
The New Racists in Europe are just the old, classist, imperialist racists - a rotten upper class who hate the lower classes and wish to see them replaced. In Britain they have indoctrinated the young. The New Racists will cause the Traditional Racists to riot and will then be able to impose Total Surveillance. It is time to rebel against both forms of racism, both the old and the new. Countries need the freedom to develop vibrant cultures of their own so that humanity can find better ways to live and they should protect minorities within their borders.
Interested in more? See There and Where Newsletter.
Also see The Globalist Threat
Note 1: The UK is in phase 6 of a New Racist attack. It is an attack mounted by middle class Internationalists (who do you think issues the million visas a year?). The phases are as follows:
Remove the tribal gods (Church of England etc.)
Permit multiculturalism (do not integrate newcomers)
Introduce laws to protect the racial characteristics of the colonists. These laws make it “hate speech” to refer to the colonists in any seriously adverse manner.
Remove the identification of the natives of the country from the name of the country. The ‘French’ become both the colonists and the natives even though they do not share the same culture. This is a crucial step because it dissolves the claim of the natives to their locality and the claim that the country is a single culture - their culture. The native culture was a public culture because the natives were the People so this move to a ‘multiculture’ removes the ‘national’ culture of the natives.
Denigrate the history and historical culture of the country to demonize the natives.
Declare the assertion of a French, English or German race to be racist because France, England and Germany are multicultural. The natives are forced to use the term ‘indigenous French’ which then leads to cries of racism if genetics is used as a justification for the term. Once genetics is banned then debate every invasion or movement of people in the past to ‘prove’ the race is non-existent. Assert that the French/English race does not exist and that claiming ‘Frenchness/Englishness’ is racist and solely mindless hatred. Arrest the natives if there is any sign of resistance.
Remove multiculturalism and replace it with the new, expanding corporate, international, materialist monoculture. (This will be much harder than the New Racists expect because they have included Muslims in the colonising population).
The modern New Racists have spent a great deal of time on the development of their ideology. The Marxists were the first to produce a program of Active Measures against the natives in the West to destroy the cultural phenomenon of democracy. Their descendants, the postmarxists, postmodernists etc. are continuing this work. Most importantly the EU has a parallel, continuing, full scale program of removing the national layer in government and disempowering nationalities. The EU budget for this activity is up to £100 BILLION a year. They use practised sophistry to destabilise those who defend the nation state. The UK was exposed to variants of this program for over 20 years.
New Racists also use Human Rights legislation to elevate the interests of minorities above those of the majority population. The Common law provides protection against harassment and assault etc. The introduction of a special status in law for minorities, such as the Equality Act 2010, is in itself an attack on the majority.
Note 2: The more acute reader may have spotted that the word “racist” seems to apply to anyone who wishes to maintain the position of their own group. The New Racists are fighting for the group that favours globalism, the old racists are fighting for their national culture and democracy. Shocking as it may sound, defending your own group of people against erasure by other groups cannot be racism. This use of “racism” to describe defence by an indigenous race is New Racism. Opposing the defence of a race is clearly racism. The New Racism is a political ideology that holds that no group except big business internationalists should be able to control or own the land or the culture in the land. It is a naked power grab that is spearheaded by the corporate media such as the BBC, CNN etc. See The Globalist Threat.