By Dr John Sydenham 16/12/2022
For several decades people have been warning about the growing political power of groups of international banks and multinational corporations. The mainstream media have dismissed these warnings as the work of "conspiracy theorists". This dismissal is strange because in 2008 the global economy collapsed because of systems developed by international banks with the tacit permission of politicians.
The Multinational Corporations that trade in goods and services are even more problematical than the International Banks. They campaign for international Treaties such as the EU, NAFTA, CPTPP, ASEAN, AfCFTA, MERCOSUR etc., all of which impinge on the economies, regulations and employment opportunites of their member nations. The control of national economies through these agreements is no small matter: what is independence without control of your economy? There is a clear problem and mentioning it is not indulging in conspiracy theories.
This rise of the globalists is not a theory and certainly not a "conspiracy theory". Multinational organisations are clearly and obviously working together to increase globalisation. They are not even "conspiring", they are doing it largely in the public domain.
If there is a conspiracy it is within the media and it supports globalisation. However, this conspiracy arises because the media, especially the BBC with its BBC World and World Service connections, believe utterly in globalisation. They just cannot imagine how anyone would think differently.
In the UK anyone opposing a Trade Agreement or other International financial treaty is likely to be labelled racist or nationalist or populist or supporters of "Little Britain" or isolationalist by the corporate media channels. The condemnation uses the terminology of ID Politics. There is little mention that Nobel Prize winning economists recommend caution about Free Trade Agreements because of their domestic effect (See for instance Joseph Stigliz).
The Corporate Media no-platform those opposing globalisation - they believe they are no-platforming evil nationalists - and they divert politics into ID Politics which favours the dismantling of the nation state using open borders and the free import of goods, money and workers. Media employees deeply believe that globalism is the "moral highground". It has not occurred to them that Multinational Corporations do not operate for the benefit of humanity or that any global government will be run by China.
The main globalist organisations are the Bilderberg Group, The Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations (USA) and the World Economic Forum. These groups develop a consensus for action among the multinationals and invite sympathetic media representatives and politicians to spread the agenda. They also co-operate with extremely well endowed Corporate Foundations such as Ford, Rockefeller, Soros etc. and use keen corporate supporters such as Goldman Sachs and WPP to enact the program.
The influence of globalist organisations is to be found all over British politics. The most powerful globaliser operating in the UK is George Soros whose Open Society Foundation employs Mark Malloch-Brown as President. Malloch-Brown heads the Best for Britain operation which funds anti-Brexit MPs (including Carolyne Lucas) and used £400,000 of Soros' money to campaign for a second EU Referendum. The giant WPP advertising agency is also prominent in most globalist circles and launched a nationwide campaign for a second referendum. Ken Clarke, the Conservative elder statesman and ex deputy chair of British-American Tobacco, was a trustee of the Bilderberg Group and vice president of the European Movement in 2016 but has now retired from high profile activity. Kier Starmer is a former member of the Trilateral Commission. Tony Blair is a keen globalist and is currently International Director of JP Morgan Chase. the huge US based Multinational Investment bank (he is paid about £2m per year).
The corporate media are very kind to the globalists. They seldom even mention their credentials - we scarcely ever hear Tony Blair introduced as a director of a global investment bank or Carolyne Lucas introduced as a Soros protege or Kier Starmer as a Trilateral Commission member etc. Their affiliations would alert the public to what is really happening. The conspiracy is in the corporate media such as the BBC, SkyNews etc., it is not the corporations per se. If we go outside the mainstream media to publications such as Spiked we can find honest coverage - incidentally, the Spiked article is well worth reading.
The latest example of Globalist power is the removal of banking facilities from people who oppose Globalism. This first came to our notice with the withdrawal of banking facilities from Nigel Farage but his case exposed the fact that hundreds of accounts have been closed. There is a clear subgroup of cases where the people affected oppose Globalism. The World Economic Forum has established bridgeheads in multinational corporations throughout the West to coordinate pro-Globalist activity (See for instance WEF Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officers Community). It was notable that the RBS subsidiary, Coutts, used “inclusivity” as the pretext for moving against Farage (Coutts is a banker for the super rich). Although inclusivity was the public pretext their documents on Farage scarcely mentioned inclusivity within the UK but they mentioned Brexit scores of times.
The WEF is now the leader of the globalist forces. It has over $350m a year to spend. Its trustees include the heads of the WTO, IMF and ECB.
The Globalist Elite are on the march and they represent no-one but themselves. No-one elects these people. They are accountable to no-one. They are introducing advanced psychological operations against the people of Western Nations. HR departments operate WEF guidelines and even purchasing departments follow ESG criteria when sourcing purchases. This activity is ignored by the corporate media.
The acceptance of China as a member of the World Trade Organisation in 2001 marked a change of gear for the globalisation campaign. Few people realise that China has made a very similar transition from communism to capitalism as happened in Russia. Contrary to popular belief China is actually a capitalist kleptocracy run by the descendants of the communist "old-guard". This is reported in detail in the Bloomberg report: Heirs of Mao’s Comrades Rise as New Capitalist Nobility:
"Xi’s extended family amassed a fortune, including investments in companies with total assets of $376 million and Hong Kong real estate worth $55.6 million, Bloomberg News reported June 29. Bloomberg’s website has been blocked in China since the publication of the story."
Other Chinese oligarchs made billions. This explains why the leaders of the Globalists have such confidence in China, they see them as being like themselves.
The globalisers now have trillions of dollars of Chinese sovereign wealth fund on their side. President Xi participates personally in globalisation conferences and China makes no secret of wanting to work hand in glove with multinational corporations for its Belt and Road Initiative.
The Corporate Globalisers are only interested in their own profits so the fact that China is a genocidal surveillance society is a trivial aside for any oligarch or CEO of a multinational.
China has also heavily penetrated the Western Media. The penetration goes well beyond Tik Tok. China has a state funded "Center for China and Globalisation" that has the dedicated role of increasing globalisation.
China has invested its huge trade surplus to acquire soft power in the West. This ranges from having high status organisations such as university research departments in its pocket to a growing influence in the global media; influence that is accepted in the West despite China being ranked 177 out of 180 on the Press Freedom Index. According to a Bloomberg News report in April 2018, China has invested around 3 billion euros in acquiring shares in various media in Europe in the last decade, about 1% of its entire investment in the continent. South Africa has been a particular target of Chinese media ownership. The Chinese have also made the academic and scientific press a special object of attention. See China’s Pursuit of a New World Media Order. Publishers such as Cambridge University Press and Springer are accepting instructions from China about what they should publish. China has been clever to obscure its commercial acquisitions through the use of offshore companies that purchase numerous onshore companies that buy shares in media companies. The net result is that we only know about the tip of the iceberg of Chinese influence.
Now that China is a major player pushing for globalisation it will be hard for nation states to survive the pressure.
The Western Multinational organisations see China as the future for globalisation. George Soros, one of the main supporters of globalism through the Soros Foundations, said:
"I think you need a new world order, that China has to be part of the process of creating it and they have to buy in, they have to own it in the same way as the United States owns … the current order." Financial Times 2009
Although in his dotage Soros has realized that this is a terrible mistake.
Klaus Schwab, head of the WEF (World Economic Forum) said:
"I think we should be very careful in imposing systems. But the Chinese model is certainly a very attractive model for quite a number of countries," Yahoo News 2022.
That the leaders of the globalist forums believe that China is a partner in the future political and social order of the world should give us pause for thought. Similar statements have been made by the leaders of the globalist Foundations.
Prior to the involvement of China much of the Globalist pressure was a result of shared aspirations by Multinational Corporations and Banks. As an example the giant WPP advertising agency joined forces with the Soros Foundation to undermine the UK Referendum on membership of the EU. Now the pressure is very similar to the old Cold War pressure. Russia and China are both using "active measures" to undermine Western power but these are indistinguishable from the Globalist Agenda: no borders, free movement of labour etc. All "left wing" groups in the West are fully behind the new campaign. This campaign will destroy the Western Nations if it is not stopped.
The greatest coup for China is that the Western media has paid it little attention. We have seen the book "Putin's People" but no-one has written "Xi's People". As a result most British and American people think that China is still Marxist. However, it is now National Socialist. The truth is that National Socialism is the child of Marxism. Mussolini, the leader of the Italian, Marxist, Socialist Party in 1914, devised National Socialism after WWI and Hitler adopted this as his philosophy. As we have seen in the case of Mussolini, Putin and President Xi the final evolution of communism is National Socialism. National Socialism allows large corporations to operate as semi-independent agents of the state so that they benefit from the efficiencies of capitalism.
The modern political battle is between National Socialists, who are working towards a global government where they rule forever, and those who want a diversity of Nation States. The Corporate Elite have always been the driving force of National Socialism, whether it was Fiat supporting Mussolini, Krupps and US Multinationals supporting Hitler, Oligarchs supporting Putin or Chinese Oligarchs, Soros, Schwab etc. supporting President Xi.
The key political tool of the globalists is ID Politics (“wokeism”). The Corporate Elite globalisers cannot say "hey, we want a global kleptocracy with us at the top" and dare not defend their wealth. Instead they have developed a direct attack on Nation States called "ID Politics". Those who favour a diversity of Nation States are simply called racist. The Corporate Elite own the media so can elevate racism to a crime worse than murder or rape: racism is the ultimate crime and Nationalism = Racism. Never mind that had there been no diversity of nations and peoples there would be no races or that racism is a minor "crime" compared with other possible crimes. The lie is repeated everywhere on the corporate media that a diversity of nation states is ultimately evil racism and a world without borders is utopia.
National Socialists stir up racial issues as a political weapon to divert us from what they are doing, they have always used ID Politics, all that has changed is the ID of the victims. If we were re-running the 1930s the narrative could be evil German nationalists oppressing poor Jews instead of the original tale of evil Jews oppressing poor Germans. Of course, racialised politics is a diversion and a polarising tool, not the truth about economics and society. You can get total control if your opponents are (Jews 1933) or (white nationalists 2023) or some other racial group that is made out to be evil. We are holy, they are evil. Notice that no mention of trade, taxes, wages, the price of bread, the balance of power etc. is needed. The power grab succeeds because who wants to support evil? Politics is reduced to pure, emotional propaganda, won by those who control the media.
The big multinational advertising agencies are some of the most enthusiastic globalisers, especially WPP. The advertising agency WPP is a near monopoly supplier of advertising to ITV and Sky through its Essence and MediaCom subsidiaries. They are behind the "diversity" in UK advertising. Every advertisement for television is now an implied moral tale about ID Politics.
The link between the big business National Socialists and Chinese National Socialism is the reason for the sudden surge in globalist activity in the past 5 years or so. In 2016 the globalists felt they were losing but National Socialist China has provided a huge impetus.
The silence about the political changes in China pays dividends for the influence of China overseas because they can still use the Maoist organisations that they established during the Cold War. The Black Liberation Movement is an umbrella term for the Maoist Black Left Wing (AKA BLM, AKA "Black Lives Matter"). It was China's strongest Maoist contact in the USA and is now a powerful weapon. It is interesting that "Black Lives Matter UK" has renamed itself back to the original meaning of BLM: "Black Liberation Movement". BLM is Maoist, as one of it's founders, Patrisse Cullors, explains:
However, without the money supplied by globalist foundations they would have gone unnoticed. Black Lives Matter and its various spin-offs get much of their money from the Ford, Kellogg, Hewlett and Rockefeller Foundations, Borealis Philanthropy and Soros Foundations. The funding amounts to over a hundred million dollars (See Washington Times). These Foundations are key players in the globalist movement.
Why did Western globalisers finance Maoist revolutionary groups? You may have noticed that BLM activity has subsided since Trump lost the election. Trump was an idiot but this was not the problem for the globalists, their problem was that Trump was not a globalist. Biden is a globalist. The Maoist Left are now the foot soldiers of the globalist National Socialists.
China has penetrated the UK Government and Corporate Elite, largely as a result of the corruption and hidden ownership that is possible by using the trillion dollar Chinese Cayman and Virgin Island Accounts. (See Daily Mail: China grooming storm )
The usual anti-British suspects such as Lord Heseltine (President of the European Movement) and Peter Mandelson are involved. Heseltine is even a major patron of the Chinese 48 Group, Tony Blair was on the list but only his sister in law remains to keep the seat warm after the group became the focus of public interest.
Other forces are also supporting the end of Western power through globalisation. The UAE and Qatar have been keen supporters and have hosted Internationalist meetings and directly financed globalisers such as Tony Blair.
The Mainstream Media globalists are very similar to the Trotskyists and International Socialists of the Cold War. They are as completely resistant to the truth about globalism as were their predecessors about Marxism. Tell them that globalism is the project of Multinational Corporations, International Banks and China and they will say that the only possible future is a world without borders where all of humanity lives under a benevolent global government that respects and enforces rights. Explain that the motivation for globalism is corporate profits and total control through the introduction of a global surveillance state and the abolition of cash and they will simply blink and deny it. Point out that globalism is controlled by the mega rich who are re-establishing the pre-democratic norm for human society of oligarchy and tyranny and they will think you are mad. Like the Hitler Youth or Red Guards the globalists aver that their belief, National Socialism, is the path to utopia, ignoring all information that contradicts this absurdity.
After all, Nazis were genocidal towards Jews, not Uyghurs. So there can't be a problem.
Appendix: Ownership by China
China has over 3 trillion dollars of foreign exchange reserves (Trading Economics). The official figure for Chinese foreign investment is $65 bn (CEIC Data). Where does all the rest of the money go?
Much of the cash goes to the China Investment Corporation (CIC) which has $941 bn of Chinese cash under management.(Wikipedia).
The CIC owns Central Huijin Investment Ltd. (CN), and Warlord Investment Corporation (CN). These have Hong Kong subsidiaries China Everbright Holdings and CITIC Capital Holdings which in turn own a whole suite of offshore companies. (See
The offshore companies have names such as Datten Investments Limited (VG), Guildford Limited (VG), Honorich Holdings Limited (VG), Kenco Investments Ltd (VG), Hero Investments Ltd (VG) etc. The VG stands for British Virgin Islands (the tax haven where Richard Branson lives).
Another subsidiary of CIC is CIC International Co. Limited (CN) which directly owns Bridge Hill Investments Limited (KY) and Country Hill Limited (KY) which are based in the Cayman Islands (KY).
The huge advantage of having Investment companies in Tax Havens managing a TRILLION dollars plus of investment is that no-one knows where the money is ultimately is invested. It is also the case that no-one really knows how much is invested. One trillion dollars is the minimum amount. We can probably assume 1.5 or 2 trillion as the correct figure. Some of these investment companies have minority foreign partners such as Citicorp, Brunei sovereign wealth, Singaporean banks etc. so that they control truly huge amounts of investment.
The ten largest multinationals in the world can be purchased for about $3 trillion. You can get a global controlling interest for $1.5 trillion and by using hundreds of investment vehicles no-one will know that China owns the multinational world.
However. Chinese investment does not stop with the CIC. Chinese companies, all of which are accountable to the Chinese government, have invested a further $2 TRILLION globally. (See China Global Investment Tracker ). 80 large UK corporations have 50% or more Chinese ownership, the list includes Reuters building, football clubs such as Aston Villa and West Bromwich, Hamleys toys, Skyscanner, AIM etc. although many of these purchases have been dubious and some resold since 2018. (See China Global Investment Tracker ) Next time you hear a CEO of a multinational saying that we should go easy on China it is likely that you are listening to China. The West should never have let this happen.
The only conspiracy theory that anyone should be worried about is the one that tells us "conspiracy theories" are dangerous.
Well written and agreeable. But I would say that I've seeing Joseph Stiglitz's writing for decades and he's fake. There are many examples, but here is a quick set of how he operates from one of his book's, "Making Globalization Work", here:
on page 274 he writes: ". America's seeming brazenness in doubling its agricultural subsidies while preaching the rhetoric of free trade is an example. As a sop to those who insist on fairness, some effort is put into finding "legal" ways of providing these subsidies, such as devising concepts like "non-trade distorting subsidies," getting other countries to agree that such subsidies are allowed, and then claiming that one's subsidies are of that sort. The presumption seems to be that because something is legal, it is morally right.
I believe that this approach is both morally wrong and economically and politically unviable. America's standing in the world has long been based not just on its economic and military power but on its moral leadership, on doing what is right and fair. But for those who believe in realpolitik, this is of little concern. More to the point, this option is not really possible, given how far we already are down the path of globalization." See, its a *moral* imperative to do Globalization and its also impossible to change course on policy.
Or here on page 275 where he explains that Globalizations great "successes of the last three decades has been the creation of strong democracies in many parts of the developing world." But this is just plain false, Globalization has been extremely de-democratizing on so called developing nations, I say "so called" because the structures of Globalization are intentionally suppressing their economic development
Or here on page 271: "Standard economic theory, which underlies the call for trade liberalization, has a scenario for what should happen with full liberalization-a scenario that its advocates seldom mention, but which we noted briefly in chapter 3. With full global economic integration, the world will become like a single country, and the wages of unskilled workers will be the same everywhere in the world, no matter where they live. Whether in America or in India or in China, unskilled workers of comparable skills performing comparable work will be paid the same. In theory, the actual wage will be somewhere between that received today by the Indian or Chinese unskilled worker and that received by his American or European counterpart; in practice, given the relative size of the populations, the likelihood is that the single wage to which they will converge will be closer to that of China and India than to that of the United States or Europe." But even within its quite narrow field of view own context, this is a highly debatable assertion, but even just a slight amount of introducing of the real world soon makes it pretty dumb. But more importantly, he's pushing the line of an effective dictatorship, all peoples and all governments, from the tiniest village to the largest nation, will be subordinated to this economic program because he says so, and again, his own assertions, even when only taken within the context of his own logic, are kina dumb
And hat goes, at least generally, for his entire body of work up until today, he'll rails against lost of stuff over in the web pages of Project Syndicate but any time any body is going to do anything to challenge the status quo he explains why its crazy. Controlled Opposition.
Also, there is no such thing as a Nobel Prize in Economics, its actual name is "The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel", and its a fake Nobel that a bunch of Big Banks and MNCs, through the person of the Swiss central bank bribed the Nobel Committee to award on their behalf so that they could give charlatans like Milton Friedman an air of credibility