Almost 40% of children at English schools are BAME (Black and Ethnic Minority. See School Pupils and Their Characteristics). Given current migration rates and the size of migrant families it will be only 10 years or so before BAME are over 50%. Now, hang on there, before you start thinking “racist!”, think for a moment about the study of history.
(30% of births in the UK are to non-UK born mothers and about 10% are second/third generation).
The truly big changes were geopolitical. The Romans invaded Gaul and replaced every part of government and religious practice, the Normans invaded Britain and installed the feudal system, the Arabs invaded the Middle East and Christianity disappeared in their path, Napoleon invaded Europe and left behind an entirely changed legal system etc. etc.
Invasions are important whether they are by force or are like migrations. Consider the migrations that installed the Tamils in Sri Lanka, the Jews in Palestine, the Europeans in the Americas, the Russians in the Donbas or the Protestants in Ireland etc. In fact large migrations can have an even bigger effect than military invasions.
Changing the people of a place or the government of a place changes a great deal. It is a big deal. Cries of racism about the replacement of the English population are irrelevant, history tells us that changing the race of a country changes the country.
An unstoppable process has been enacted to replace those with English ancestry in England. The English who, due to their island isolation have a longer lineage as an ethnic group than most others in the world, are now to become a minority in England. Those involved in the replacement of the English will tell you that the English are a “Mongrel Breed” but the genetics tell a different story see The History of England:
(Graph based on composition of 0-10 year old population) The English were far more identifiable as a “race” in 1940 than Poles, Indians or Travellers or Jamaicans.
The English are broken forever, especially the Working Class. It took 27 years and not a shot was fired. A civilisation takes a millennium to create and can be destroyed in a generation. Why did the English self destruct?
“The greatest victory is that which requires no battle.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
The change in England was clear a few weeks ago when I came into London Heathrow Airport. At passport control I looked around for a queue to join and almost walked into the queue for foreigners. The noisy queue for UK citizens had a much more varied composition than that for non-UK citizens. London is 65% BAME and Londoners were returning from their holidays and visits to relatives.
I can remember entering the UK through Heathrow in the 1970s. The orderly UK queue was quiet and disciplined. The underground station at Heathrow was so quiet and orderly that I wondered if I had become slightly deaf after a few months in the Middle East. The feeling of calm was overwhelming. What happened to make such a huge change?
In the 1970s the main political battle was about class. The Trade Unions had been infiltrated by communist sympathisers (Jack Jones, the Head of the Trades Union Congress was communist and probably a soviet agent).
The trade unions were run by ideological psychopaths but the Establishment was just as bad. They were people who 20 years earlier had been running an Empire and now regarded ordinary English people as just another bunch of natives. Their classism is hard to imagine nowadays. It was class war but neither side could deliver the knock out blow.
In the Cold War the Soviets and Chinese had worked out that democracies were relatively free from any fixed ideology. They realised that democracy was a cultural phenomenon that depended upon the acquiescence of a People. Democracy was a cultural phenomenon, not an ideology. To destroy democracy it is necessary to change the people. Far left philosophers honed the tools necessary to destroy the state from within. Postmodernism, poststructuralism and postmarxism were the tools.
The communists became postmodernists/poststructuralists/postmarxists in the 1980s. These are all far left ideologies but shift the revolutionary impulse from class war to racial conflict (PC, ID Politics). The Class War had not triggered the Revolution and removed democracy but the new post-isms were perfect for destroying cultures and accomplishing the job.
The far left would have got nowhere were it not for the fact that the Establishment of the 1970s and 1980s was the perfect opponent for their cause. The Establishment generally believed that the whole British working class were communist sympathisers whereas in truth most workers only got involved in industrial action because of valid grievances or fears for job security. The Establishment treated the working class as scum, the attitude was the same as had prevailed in the administration of the colonies 30 years before.
In the 1980s and 1990s the Establishment slowly changed and realised that foreign labour would break the working class and allow the control of wages. They approved the program of colonisation as they had in the days of Empire. The far left had also changed and realised that foreign migration would break the culture of the people (See The Roots of New Labour). Both groups worked together as Internationalists (See The New Racism).
The tolerant, calm English were told that it was racist to oppose the new policy and accepted this moral judgement. Eventually the English were threatened with jail if they opposed mass migration unless they were very careful with their language. The BBC and educational establishment were infiltrated by the Left to provide propaganda. The English generally accepted that what they were told was the moral high ground and so, within 30 years, consigned themselves to being a footnote in history. They actually voted for the parties that wanted their demise. Some Remain voters even believed that having open borders would not change the country, of course the intelligent/numerate Remainers actively wanted to replace the English, they knew the mathematical logic of a million plus visas issued annually to young men and women who then have children. The English terminated themselves. The ending of a relatively powerful, populous and prosperous people by their own volition is almost unique in world history
The end of ‘indigenous’ English culture - a Labour Party rally in Birmingham with men and women segregated (Birmingham Live), as most middle class English women will tell you, migration is good:
Labour now depends on the BAME vote in inner cities (over 150 constituencies) and represents this section of society, not the working class:
So what happened? Subversion, classism and apathy changed a nation irrevocably. The denial of even the existence of the English as a racial group led to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland being devolved in the UK but England was kept under the thumb of the governing class to be “dealt with” and its people treated as a problem in their own land who were blocking the ambitions of the new population. “Racism” was elevated to a crime that was almost as bad as murder but being racist to the English was accepted as anti-racist. See for instance the definition of English landscape painting as nationalist/racist.
A Nation exists for its children. It is an idea, a culture for the next generation. The Anywhere Right and psychopathic Left are not interested in children except as the next generation of workers. The Left and Right have won and we will give our children nothing.
The new population, which already commands the capital and will inevitably inherit, is seeing Englishness as a claim to power: love of the landscape as nationalism, reluctance to show excessive emotion as unpleasant repression, free speech as harm, a distaste for corruption as naivety and the very underpinnings of democracy in sayings such as “sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me” and the desire for frank speaking as the approval of hate speech. The old civilisation is being swept away and will now inevitably be gone in 30 years. The removal will be complete and irreversible.
Goodbye to the English, it was nice knowing you, the world will not be the same without you. It really will not be the same.
The Internationalists have defeated the English but the Global Establishment and the Global Left are still in the throes of a mad love affair directed at changing the world. If you live in a democracy what happened in England will soon be coming to a country near you.
Here is a clip from the BBC Today Programme by Nick Robinson and David Olusoga (both second generation migrants with Olusoga coming from the ex-slaver Nigerian state) about how the New Population is the hope for the future:
Notice that the “migration museum” should really have been created as a museum of the English, real museums being about the past, not the present.
And here is a clip of a privately educated British youth rehashing what he has been taught:
This is an excellent record of the classism that helped break the English. (He is a child who knows nothing except classism and certainly nothing about the French).
See Does it Matter Who Lives Here and The Globalist Threat.
and IN MEMORIAM: A brief history of the English contribution to the world.
Some detail:
London is the capital city and the centre of media and culture in the UK. The fact that those with English origins are now a minority in London means that English culture is on a steep decline and being replaced by a multi-ethnic “British” culture.
The situation is even more extreme in other large British cities. Over 70% of the child population of Birmingham, England’s second city, is now non-English (Wikipedia):
The Labour vote is now a BAME vote as can be seen from the constituency map:
It is sad to see a major race and culture just disappear out of stupidity.
Census 2021 data:
1953 Coronation parties:
It's an unspeakable tragedy. The English built England, and so much of the modern world. And here come the world's hordes, to live off the spoils, to bask in the status, to skim off the cream. Do they ever wonder who built the buildings, the infrastructure, the inventions, the culture? Who wrote all those books? They're the equivalent of the homeless bums in the library, surrounded by the world's knowlege, who rush to the computer terminals to play video games, or plop on the cushiest seats to sleep, but never once open a book. And drive out those others who who would most continue the culture, appreciate it and contribute to it.
I hate to say this I’ve been trying for almost five years to explain to everyone I know, and care for, that they are in great danger.
I’ve made almost NO headway and it’s clear to me now that I never will.
I’m not an anthropologist but, if I were, I’d probably conclude that the species known as ‘Careless Complacent Whitey’ is getting exactly what he deserves !