It is so sad to see the end of the English approaching. It should be documented. The mainstream media and even media such as GBNews are suppressing the truth.
The English have already been replaced in London, Manchester and Birmingham:
(Source: ONS Dataset TS021)
There is now no possibility of these cities integrating into English society. The English must lose their identity and integrate into places that have no vision of a future for their children. This will soon happen to the whole country.
The birth rate of the first, second and third generation migrant population is so high that almost 40% of children at English schools are now BAME (Black and Ethnic Minority. See School Pupils and Their Characteristics). Given current migration rates and the size of migrant families it will be only 10 years or so before BAME are over 50%. Now, hang on there, before you start thinking “racist!”, think for a moment about the study of history. The disappearance of a whole island race will be noted in a century or two as a major event.
(30% of births in the UK are to non-UK born mothers and about 10% are second/third generation).
In the UK the Equality Act 2010 and the laws against Hate Speech do not provide any protection for the indigenous culture. As an example, if a female football team were to be confronted by a new Muslim member who refused to wear shorts it would be the football team that would have to change. The policy in Britain is to allow the replacement of the local culture, giving priority to that of newcomers. English culture is deliberately excluded from protection.
The granddaughters of today’s English will be looking like this in their municipal pool in 40 years time:
Who did this? Who deliberately destroyed one of the greatest cultures in world history? Why didn’t anyone resist?
The latest release of the British Social Attitudes Survey exposes much of who is leading the UK towards becoming a non-English State which will then be terminated. A place with no common purpose controlled by indoctrination and force. Who are these ‘Internationalists’? The biggest difference in attitudes was between those who desired to Leave the EU and those who desired to Remain. The Remainer/Rejoiner faction were united on issues that go well beyond the EU to full blown globalism.
Those who voted Remain were very favourable to Britain permitting unfettered foreign trade:
As will be seen below, international trade is mediated by large, multinational corporations and it is support for these that strongly identifies a Remain/Rejoin supporter despite half of them knowing that Large International Companies cause damage.
The Survey on National Identity showed that the views of Leavers and Remainers on immigration were highly polarised:
Remain voters are happy that the population will become even less ethnically English during this century and look forward to the replacement of the ‘Nationalist’ English. Remainers do not believe in a nation with a common purpose. The Remainers are New Racists who imagine a world without race (See The New Racism).
To understand these figures we need to revisit the social class of those who voted Remain. 57% of upper middle class voters wanted to Remain in the EU compared with 36% of working class voters:
The working classes depend on their locality for education, health and employment whereas the upper middle class are “anywhere people” who have fewer roots and loyalties to a particular region or country. The Survey also needs to be understood in the context of 25% of the adult population of the UK being of recent immigrant origin.
“Remain voter” is a proxy for upper or middle class or of recent migrant origin. The desire to Rejoin the EU marks a great chasm in English society more clearly than any other measure. The Social Attitudes Survey shows that Rejoiners are people who want to replace the people of Britain with another population and have almost achieved their aim. They seem to strongly dislike England and the ordinary English.
Jacob Rees-Mogg a senior Conservative Cabinet member said that immigration into the UK was deliberate government policy (BBC World at One 2023).
This fits the Internationalist, middle class composition of Parliament and the fact that the Conservatives led the Remain campaign:
The EU Referendum was a last effort by those who believed themselves to be ethnic English to assert the idea that England is an ethnically English country and that English cultural traditions such as the Common Law are of importance. As the results of polls have shown the Remain group were interested in their prosperity and power whereas the Leave group were interested in preserving the British way of life:
Of great concern for the middle and upper middle classes was that multinational companies should be favoured and they should be able to further their own ambitions. The greatest concern of the Leave voters was that the people of the UK would control their laws and the border.
The end of the aspirations of the English Working Class occurred with the capture of the Labour Party by the middle classes:
Although Leave won the battle Remain have won the war. Or, more clearly, the class war has been won by the upper classes and they used migration to achieve final victory.
Now the battle is won there is still a need for the final disruption of the social order to permit the desired disruption of Britain . The Remain/Rejoin faction are still the tools of national polarisation:
The Remain faction are being used to employ their positions in the media and large corporations, public sector etc. to elevate issues around tiny fractions of the population such as Transgender People into major fault lines. This is highly disruptive and deliberate - like mass migration was deliberate - see Forget Gender, Polarisation is the Objective.
The support for the fragmentation of British culture is paying off. It is interesting that with the rise in the Muslim population in inner city constituencies the ‘first past the post’ system has led to the creation of a new Muslim party in the UK. This party has as many seats in Parliament as Reform despite getting a very small share of the national vote. Muslims have twice as many children per head as other people in England. Within 25 years they will have a substantial representation in Parliament - perhaps 150 seats. See The Future of the UK.
The group that supported ‘Remain’ have definitely won. The victory is pyrrhic because the EU will be National Socialist within 20 years. However, the Rejoiners are middle class and may prefer this mode of government (See National Socialism is Middle Class).
Unless something remarkable happens the UK is destined to become a progressively Muslim total Surveillance State (See The Future of the UK). The upper classes have the means to leave the country so do not care. They are anywhere people. They can choose where their children live. They believe the public space is for industry and transport. They have no interest in a safe, public space where their children can play, meet and learn independence. They have no understanding of the nation.
The UK is undergoing a Civil War between Internationalists and Nationalists.
Also see: Mass Migration Against the Wishes of the People is Colonisation and Why did the English Self Destruct? .
Postscript: the saddest part of this is that the middle class are the most susceptible to propaganda. The working class tend to watch game shows and acquire their politics from local events and people whereas the middle and upper classes acquire their politics as pre-processed interpretations in the Guardian, Times, BBC etc and to please bosses. As a result it is the middle class who are the objects of indoctrination. See for instance UK: Most Important Facts and Figures which shows how Remain certainties on migration are not true. The English middle class, with their deep seated class hatred and susceptibility to indoctrination, allowed the multinational corporations to wage a war of mass destruction on the English.
The political battle of our time is between Internationalists and Nationalists. The Internationalists are working in the interests of Multinational Corporations and, because China dominates commerce and would rule any global government, the interests of China. The middle classes, academics and Left are the indoctrinated and corrupted servants of the Internationalist bosses who are the servants of China (see Forget Gender, Polarisation is the Objective). The end point of the Internationalist campaign is the Chinese system of government, a world where everyone is under constant surveillance and control. Eventually, when the whole world is a Surveillance Society on the model developed in China there will be nowhere to escape. Even the children of Remainers will live in a straightjacket when the whole world is oppressed.
Great article. Very succinct. I am an Irishman and I Lament what is being done to England.
"A place with no common purpose controlled by indoctrination and force."
No - but we do have Common Purpose, among many other subversive agencies, to do that.