The Internet has many interesting articles about Gender, Race, Feminism, Gay Rights etc. These ideas are linked to the Gay Liberation Movement, Women’s Liberation Movement, Black Liberation Movement etc. These movements have revolutionary roots in the late 1960s. The movements were designed to polarise society to create revolutionary tension.
The earliest use of the term "women's liberation" is in 1966 in an article by Juliet Mitchell in the "New Left Review" which was openly Marxist-Leninist. Soon afterwards numerous university socialist societies "budded off" womens liberation groups. The term "gay liberation" came from the "Gay Liberation Front" which was set up after the Stonewall Riots in New York in 1969. The main activists in the Gay Liberation movement were left wingers and the GLF even voted funds to support Castro in Cuba. The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine was founded in 1967 and declared itself to be a Marxist-Leninist organisation in 1969. The Black Liberation Army /Black Liberation Movement was the successor to the Black Panthers (founded 1966). These organisations were Marxist Leninist revolutionary fronts. The Black Liberation Movement (BLM) used its initials in the Black Lives Matter campaign (yes, really, see Guardian article).
The Soviet Union did help some of these movements with direct aid but the principal contribution of the Soviet Union was to coordinate the movements and bring them under a single Marxist-Leninist brand.
The movements operate at two levels. There is a grass roots level where a small core of members are deeply committed to their cause and there is a Marxist-Leninist Level where the movements all support each other in the more general cause of revolution.
The genius of this structure is that engaging with any given movement misses the point: the primary aim of these movements is to polarise society. The members of the individual movements may not realize that they are part of this wider action.
Support for the movements is provided by the general Marxist-Leninist community, not because they necessarily all agree with every movement but because it polarises society. Polarisation is the pre-requisite of revolution. The techniques are described in the video below.
Notice that the spokesman is hopelessly wrong about the timings of events. The timings are much longer than mentioned, originally the KGB even believed that there would be a revolution in the West as early as 1968.
The “Liberation Movements” are now embedded in Western society like unexploded bombs.
Anyone who has followed political philosophy over the past 30 years knows that Marxist-Leninism is dead. However there are still thousands of Marxists who have not got the message and the offspring of Marxism such as Postmodernism, Poststructuralism and Postmarxism are alive and well. These ‘Postists’ also believe in revolutionary change and support each other and the Marxists; they are also still supported by Russia and China because they polarise and damage the West.
The principal, modern controllers of polarisation are China and the Corporate Elite. The Corporate Elite are openly funding and supporting the successors of the old Liberation Movements because they have lost faith in democracy. They now seem to favour the Chinese Model of governance.
George Soros, one of the main supporters of globalism through the Soros Foundations, said:
"I think you need a new world order, that China has to be part of the process of creating it and they have to buy in, they have to own it in the same way as the United States owns … the current order." Financial Times 2009 (Soros, in his dotage, has since recanted).
Klaus Schwab, head of the WEF (World Economic Forum) said:
"I think we should be very careful in imposing systems. But the Chinese model is certainly a very attractive model for quite a number of countries," Yahoo News 2022.
China is a National Socialist surveillance state run by Oligarchs (like Soros etc).
The UK has no state ideology and even its Constitution depends on the current generation being committed to historical precedent. Contrary to Shakespeare and the media, genetic studies show the population of Britain was very homogeneous until the Second World War. It was not a mongrel race. The population had evolved as a relatively isolated group for a thousand years. The Huguenots and other migrations were tiny compared with the size of the population. The English depended on their racial integrity for their stability and unity.
The USA was also based on race but in a different way from the UK. It was run by WASPS (White Anglo-Saxon Protestants) until the 1960s, as a racially divided State.
The role of race in the governance of the UK and USA was spotted at an early stage by the Soviet Union. While attending meetings 40 years ago I noticed that polarisation by race was an important topic in the packs sent by the Russian Embassy to university Socialist Societies. Indeed the Russians and Chinese still characterise their enemy as the Anglo-Saxon hegemony. Russia and China are among the most racist countries on the planet, being controlled by Russian and Han ethnic groups, so they fully understand the role of race. Their trump card was played with the election of Tony Blair, a Trotskyist sleeper, to be British PM. As Andrew Neather, a Labour speech writer, said about immigration: "I remember coming away from some discussions with the clear sense that the policy was intended - even if this wasn't its main purpose - to rub the Right's nose in diversity and render their arguments out of date." See Telegraph Article. Blair’s government changed the population forever and ended Anglo-Saxon hegemony in the UK (30% of British children are now born to foreign parents and 40% of English schoolchildren are now of non-English heritage. The Anglo-Saxons will soon be gone as a force in England).
Whether a country that depended on its shared culture for its political stability can rapidly evolve into a new Nation with a new culture is being explored in the UK. That we are moving away from key ideas such as Free Speech and Independence is ominous. Despite leaving the EU there is a growing fashion among the British upper middle class and academics for favouring the interests of foreign powers and corporations against those of the population on this island. They unashamedly talk of the need to import foreign labour to keep British wages low.
Over several generations geopolitics is the reality. Social changes that weaken a nation favour its enemies. All the heated debates on race, gender etc. come to nothing after a country has been conquered. The only real danger for Russia and China is if the West falls into tyrannies such as theirs before it dissolves.
The Racist politics of Russia is also evident in its invasion of Ukraine. The Ukraine war is not wholly about Ukraine. It is about Putin’s need to “purify” Russia so that it is once again racially distinct and united, remember the Russians are utter racists. Ukraine is about creating a patriotic movement to remove Western Active Measures and Psychological warfare from Russia. This was brought home to me whilst holidaying in Sri Lanka. There were a large number of Russian tourists and their patriotism was livid with young men having the “Z” symbol cut into their hair and an obvious disdain for British tourists. The Westernisation of Russia is over.
The KGB used teams of psychologists and sociologists to devise the end of the West. Russia and China have continued this erudite method of extending influence and power so they will be looking for the opportune moment and method to deliver the “coup de grace”. My guess is that over the next ten to twenty years they will extend their power over the non-aligned world and use nuclear client states such as Iran or North Korea to launch a kamikaze attack on the West when it is sufficiently weakened politically. The final invasion of the West may well be heralded as humanitarian assistance after a nuclear conflict. The long game is a feature of China’s foreign diplomacy and they have trillions of dollars of trade surplus to spend on it.
The globalists are crucial to the plan because it will only work when there is nowhere left for the defector. The Trotskyist dream of a globalised world will be achieved just as the National Socialists, who will run that world, round up all the Trotskyists.
See The Globalist Threat which describes how China is gaining influence and control through its international trade and banking connections.
Oh dear, happy and sad to find this article via my comment