Anyone in 1950 looking forward to 2024 would be amazed. In their view children would appear to be imprisoned, women are entirely changed and the English are visibly disappearing.
The imprisonment of children would be the most obvious change for anyone from 1950 who was just looking at the streets.
(Source: The Scotsman )
Even in the 1970s 85% of young children used to walk home from school:
There are surprisingly few studies of the amount of time that children are permitted to enjoy unsupervised play. However, parents are spending much longer supervising children:
It is also obvious on the streets and in the woods that there are now almost no unsupervised children when they used to be commonplace.
The employment rate of mothers keeps rising so most mothers go out to work:
(Source FT)
The fertility rate in the UK among white British families is only 1.4 children per family and large numbers of women are not having children or leaving the decision until their 30s:
This is a dramatic change from the 1950s.
The big change in the UK is that the under 30s are not committed to the idea of having children. When they do have children they treat them like pet dogs - only one per family, always on a leash and house trained.
The disappearance of the idea of freedom for children has resulted in a detachment from the idea of the nation as a place fit for children and future generations.
Middle class women are more likely to be committed to their career than their family. This is not purely about money but also about status. This “Remainer” mentality is probably the main reason for the end of the English nation. Why would you reserve an area of land as a place fit for your children and their children when you do not actually care about your children?
How the UK became a place where the freedom and safety of children was no longer a goal of public policy is an important issue. It should be the principle issue in UK politics but it is deliberately ignored by the careerist media, academic and political establishment.
A happy and stable family. A predictable and safe outdoor environment. A place fit for our children. These should be the goals of social and economic activity. Our vision for the future should be a vision of parks and safe streets, of countryside and towns that stress our humanity so that children can play and be inspired by freedom and beauty.
It is shocking that the bulk of the population actually believe that the family is the bedrock of their lives but behave and vote as if it is of no importance.
The UK has been turned into a place fit for other people to earn a living to boost the profits of low wage multinational employers. This has been the principle concern of government for the past 30 years. It has also been the principle concern of the young, middle class electorate. They have ignored their true desire to create a country fit for their own children. They have withdrawn indoors, denied the children freedom and left the public space for industry and crime. They have destroyed the gentle peace of English society forever: