What will Britain be like in 25 years time? There will be two major factions in British society: those who believe that people can be controlled by surveillance and the Muslims.
There is a contest between the Surveillance faction and the Muslims. The Surveillance faction believe that the people can be given “freedom” provided they are prepared to accept the monitoring of all activity for what those in power define as “hate” or “harm”. The Muslim faction believe that children can be trained to form a society that is unified in its social behaviour and beliefs.
Who will win this contest?
At present Muslims in the UK have an average of 3.0 children per family and non-Muslims less than 1.5 children. (The two child benefit cap particularly affects Muslims. Native English have about 1.4 children). The combination of migration and large families means that the Muslim population of Britain is growing fast and will reach about 17% within 25 years:
The true figures for the UK may be higher than Pew Research predicts because the current Muslim population is very young and hence has more families of child rearing age. The Jews and Muslims have the highest fertility rate:
Source: Fertility and Religion in the UK
Although the Muslim population will be only 16% of the UK population (1 in 6) in 2050 this will have a disproportionate effect on government because it is focussed in England and in city constituencies. London already has a 15% Muslim population and this may rise to 40% by 2050 if current trends continue. Once the Muslims have gained democratic control of London they will be able to move against the secularists and begin recruiting others to their religion in earnest. There are large numbers of young men who might be attracted to Islam.
On current trends about 12m Muslims will be in the country by 2050 and 36m by 2100 (75 years time). This will be about 40% of the population and will be much the largest, unified block of people.
The secularists are inherently weak. Just a couple of terrorist incidents against journalists shut down almost all adverse comment about Muslims in the UK, especially on the BBC. The extremist Muslims were fortunate to have perpetrated these incidents before the Surveillance Faction got sufficiently equipped to monitor their activity fully. (China is the preferred model for the Surveillance Faction - see China: What should we do?, China licenses phones to comply with monitoring ).
Unless Labour becomes National Socialist (this has medium probability) the demographics suggest that a Muslim victory is almost inevitable. English women will love this, no need to worry about a swimsuit!
So how did we get to this state of affairs? Migration is the reason for the rise in the Muslim population. Home brewed Islamic terrorism was the original reason for the surveillance state which then got extended to state control of speech. It goes deeper than this because the population of the UK is now extremely fragmented and disunited on almost any issue. It is even fragmented about the continuance of the UK, with factions seemingly happy to secede or even enter a political union with the increasingly National Socialist EU. This fragmentation is acute among secular Britons but the Muslims stand united. As the original English become a minority in England after 2050 there will be little but the the authoritarian Surveillance State and Muslim cohesion to prevent the country from being ungovernable.
The big danger now is that International bodies, Oligarchs and left wing Internationalists such a Trotskyists will use the Surveillance State as the path to power for themselves. These people created the fragmentation of the UK deliberately. History tells us that tyranny and oligarchy are always ready to take power from us all.
My choice? Obviously neither Surveillance nor Muslim. We would have been better off to have respected the people and culture of the UK and not permitted the replacement of the people of Britain.
Note: By 2030 the English are inevitably destined to be a minority in England See Why did the English Self Destruct?
England will become increasing unpleasant after 2050, with New Towns being built all over the countryside and no common purpose in the population. It will be heading towards a style of living suitable for an overpopulated Muslim country such as Bangladesh regardless of whether the Muslim or Surveillance faction are victorious. The Surveillance Faction will rapidly become National Socialist if they are victorious. The original English population will be a decreasing minority after 2050.
See Does it Matter Who Lives Here?
Muslim Present
Clip of the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan
Sadik Khan’s Brother in Law in 1997, Makbool Javaid, legal advisor to Al Muhajiroun, the banned terrorist group:
He now publicly denies this fervour - an excellent example of Taqiyya.
Surveillance Faction Future
Supporting Data
The Pew Research 2050 figure of 17% is already “baked in” to the population pyramid for Muslims. As the Muslim population ages the pyramid below will slide upwards:
At 3 children per family the base of the pyramid will widen further so natural growth alone will more than double the current Muslim population to 13.5% without further migration.
Almost half of children are already of foreign origin in England (the English kids will be a minority by c.2030):
30% of births in the UK are to non-UK born mothers and about 10% are second/third generation.
The composition of the children in a population dictates the composition of the society in 25 years time.
According to the 2021 census the ‘White British’ are already a minority in several major English cities:
Now the original population is a minority in these cities it is difficult to see how integration can occur.
The “liberal” victory is so complete that not only have the English been beaten but any chance of them breeding another culture like England has been removed forever.