We often hear about Britain being multiply divided. Britain is portrayed as experiencing many random events and divisions that are destabilising it. This is a lie. Britain is in the middle of an undeclared Civil War between two factions. There is only one major division.
The war is between the Globalist Internationalists and the Nationalists. The goal of the Globalist Internationalists is to remove the power of Western nation states. The goal of the Nationalists is save the land, people and culture of the UK.
The greatest achievement in this Civil War is that the Internationalists have stopped people from knowing that it is even happening. The mainstream media, especially the BBC, have carefully suppressed any mention of who is fighting and why. (Those who think this Civil War is a ‘conspiracy theory’ should see: The Destruction of Britain). The Civil War was evident in the EU Referendum, which was a battle between Internationalists and Nationalists, but the mainstream media have since silenced all coverage of the conflict.
The Internationalists will achieve total dominance if they can remove borders so that money, labour and goods can be moved anywhere as they require and they can control regulations everywhere. The Internationalists have most of the money and influence. They have the support of the half of the UK population who have been indoctrinated to become New Racists.
The war is being fought with several weapons.
The Internationalists are lobbing millions of foreigners at the Nationalists. The objective is to physically replace the indigenous population and this has almost been achieved (See No-one Cared that the English Died). In only 20 years. Yes, they did this on purpose. It is a Civil War. The Internationalists are ruthless. Major cities have already been changed:
(Source: ONS Dataset TS021, notice the use of ‘White British’ in government publications rather than ‘English’ to impute racism in anyone who is uneasy about the figures) .
The Internationalists also control the mainstream media and have increasing power in social media. They introduced the Equality Act 2010 to ensure that employers suppress any discontent over the hiring of foreign staff. The Internationalists also preferentially sponsor artists and media that favour their cause and suppress those who oppose it. Money buys power and the Internationalists have the money.
Migration has been the most effective weapon. The more foolish of the Nationalists have been diverted into blaming the migrants when they should be blaming the Internationalists who are wielding this weapon. (See The Globalist Threat for details of who is controlling the Internationalist faction). This is a war, the Nationalists should be blaming the people who are firing the bullets not the bullets.
The law is another weapon. The Internationalist media have failed to tell the population that racism now includes hostility based on “nationality (including citizenship) or ethnic or national origins”. The Internationalist media have elevated this new form of racism to being a crime similar to paedophilia or murder and clamour for the immediate dismissal and prosecution of ‘racists’. (See Note 1). Many Nationalists still think the laws on racism are about black people when they are now directed squarely at criminalising nationalism (See New Racism).
The BBC describes the Ukraine war as a battle against Putin rather than a war against the Russians because of the laws on racism. Yes, in principle you could be sacked or jailed for objecting to the ‘Russian’ invasion of Ukraine. Especially if a Russian is sitting next to you in the workplace.
Another weapon is fake economics. The UK has an enormous balance of payments problem, principally with the EU, and an international trade deficit that is destroying UK industry but the Internationalist media only talks of how the UK needs more foreign trade. It never mentions how the UK is selling its assets to foreigners to pay for the deficit and survive. (See Balance of Trade in Goods and Services with EU (ONS Series l86i)).
The Internationalists also finance International Socialists such as Trotskyists and Black Lives Matter (BLM - AKA Black Liberation Movement, a Marxist organisation). They do this because these groups favour Global Government and provide foot soldiers. (See The Globalist Threat).
Most of the division and discontent in the UK is due to this new Civil War. If the Internationalists can be defeated the UK will be a quieter, more settled country that serves its people. If the Internationalists win the consequences will be dire for the whole world, not just Britain (See The Globalist Threat).
The Internationalists are the elite in society and have millions of sycophantic supporters. Main Stream Media journalists and presenters are the most powerful group of sycophants, they are acutely aware that being published depends on patronage by the elite. Many other sycophants are middle class people suffering from suicidal empathy. They believe Britain has a vast population and endless space that can absorb any number of people. (See No-one Cared that the English Died). The Internationalist mainstream media have created this delusion of suicidal empathy, that England must, out of kindness, offer a home to any of the hundreds of millions of people in the world who would like a new place to live.
The Labour, Conservative and LibDem parties are all Internationalists, they are a uniparty. They do not represent the people of Britain. The next election in 2029 will be the last chance for the English to survive as a people. If the uniparty gain power again the country will be lost forever. Your children will lose everything.
See The Future of the UK.
Note 1: According to the Crown Prosecution Service Racism is showing hostility to a racial group.
The Act says a "racial group" means a "group of persons defined by reference to race, colour, nationality (including citizenship) or ethnic or national origins." Religious groups are also given protection in the legislation.
The law has been extended to include ‘hostility’ as well as previous real crimes such as grievous bodily harm. The CPS says that hostility is defined by ordinary dictionary definitions, which include ill-will, ill-feeling, spite, prejudice, unfriendliness, antagonism, resentment, and dislike.
Crimes from common assault to homicide can be racially aggravated but the use of common assault sets the bar very low because it includes ‘threatening words’:
Common assault is when a person inflicts violence on someone else or makes them think they are going to be attacked. It does not have to involve physical violence. Threatening words or a raised fist is enough for the crime to have been committed provided the victim thinks that they are about to be attacked.
(It is ironic that the witch hunt against nationalists as ‘racists’ should be applied to Internationalists because they are anti-English. They deride English history and even the right of the English to call themselves English rather than ‘White British’. No other race in the UK suffers such a level of racial abuse).
The law can be used to our advantage based on definitions. I was raped by an illegal migrant who forced entry into my home. I then discovered no lawyer would represent my position on the case (that I believe it to be genocide). I could have given up, but I didn't. I self-represented my own rape case, with my own argument. I won, and I set a precedent. Simply put, lawyers are part of the establishment. They aim to make a profit out of your case. If they can't or they are too weak (most of them) then there will not be representation. This is not a bad thing. It opens the doors for new precedents to be set by the average person. New positions within case law. That would be terrifying. So long as people have the balls to do it. I have written about my case on my substack.
King Charles silence on the slaughter of his subjects and the civil war in his Kingdom is deafening