The UK is divided between Internationalists and Nationalists. Who are the Internationalists? What do they believe?
The British Social Attitudes 41 Survey and BSA 39 show that there is a well defined group of ‘Internationalists’ who share a cluster of beliefs. People in this group believed:
25% of Internationalists believed Britain should limit the import of foreign products in order to protect its national economy (62% of rest of pop’n believe this). See the article on tariffs on this Substack.
67% of Internationalists believe that immigrants should have the same access to jobs, housing and healthcare as the established population (26% of rest of pop’n believe this).
Only 17% of Internationalists believe immigrants increase crime rates (57% of rest of pop’n believe this) - It is known that immigrants have 200% the crime rate of ordinary Brits.
70% of Internationalists believe immigrants are generally good for Britain’s economy (29% of rest of pop’n believe this) - there are numerous articles on this Substack showing that the effect of migration is negative.
61% of Internationalists believe equal opportunities have not gone far enough for women (32% of rest of pop’n believe this)
60% of Internationalists believe equal opportunities have not gone far enough for Black and Asian people (23% of rest of pop’n believe this).
This group, being Internationalists, all voted Remain in the EU Referendum.
The Internationalist identity extends well beyond wanting membership of the EU. However, the identification of Internationalists with Remain/Rejoin immediately identifies their main characteristic. Internationalists believe that a country’s problems can be solved by shopping around, joining another country and eventually merging all countries.
Internationalism is a cluster of beliefs held by largely middle and upper middle class people in Britain. It is characterised by the championing of mass migration, free trade, multinational corporations and the termination of nation states.
Most Internationalists vote Labour or LibDem but a sizeable number also vote Conservative. All of the parties have a majority of Internationalist MPs, Labour and LibDem MPs are almost entirely Internationalist. These Internationalists are the Uniparty.
Internationalists do not believe that it is the responsibility of a citizen to make their own area of land into a place with a culture that is a boon to its inhabitants and a gift to its children. They are not builders, they are consumers who, when persuaded that the grass is greener elsewhere, will move elsewhere. They will even hand over their country to those who control elsewhere.
As consumers, the Internationalists view culture as a purely commercial enterprise. Culture becomes the transient and disposable arts, not a set of beliefs and manners that are passed on to children. The land becomes a place they travel through from home to work. They treat their country as a hotel.
Most of the Internationalists have been indoctrinated. This was obvious after the EU Referendum when some of them actually cried. Another big clue to their indoctrination is that most consider that ‘Identity’ is of huge and overriding importance. This idea comes straight out of the views of media personalities whose lives are an act. A person is first and foremost their inner being, not how they are seen by others.
An Internationalist ID is a mark of holiness. Everyday Internationalists wreath themselves in holy memes sold by the media and see themselves as people who desire that the world should live as one in peace. If they engage in debate they seek a point that makes them appear holy and then Virtue Signal on this rather than considering the issue.
The Internationalist ID is a marker for people who do not realise that apparently ‘holy’ parts can create a whole that is controlled, uniform and sterile. Add Diversity to Equality to Inclusion and you have uniformity. Their New Racism is livid. They are the tools of Multinational Corporations and Banks.
George Soros - a Leader of Internationalism
They can be beaten if we never vote Labour, Conservative or LibDem again. These are the Uniparty, they represent global business against the people.
You can either stick with a country and its population and build a nation or you can be an Internationalist who virtue signals and builds nothing for your children to inherit. See No-one Cared that the English Died.
We should not forget that it is these Internationalists, virtue signalling away in Council offices and in the police who conspired to perpetuate the rape gangs. It was they who insisted that cross channel migrants should risk their lives at sea to obtain benefits rather than offering them deterrents. They have destabilised the inner cities of many towns. They have deprived the young British of affordable homes. It is these Internationalists who have taken away the pride of the British in their country.
Here is a clip of a middle class British youth rehashing Internationalist indoctrination:
(Source: GBNews)
This is an excellent record of the classism that helped break the English. He is a child who knows nothing except Internationalist classism and certainly nothing about the French. No thought at all of making his country better.
Please don’t think too badly of this very young man, he can still grow out of this madness. He really is a child. We should thank him for providing such an honest example of the rottenness of Internationalist indoctrination.
The end point of Internationalism is global government run by totalitarian oligarchs and China. (See the Globalist Threat). Internationalism is a racist, totalitarian creed.
I would argue that these internationalists more than often belong to a certain (very protected) group, who want open borders for everyone else, but not when it comes to their own ethno-state in the Middle East.