The law can be used to our advantage based on definitions. I was raped by an illegal migrant who forced entry into my home. I then discovered no lawyer would represent my position on the case (that I believe it to be genocide). I could have given up, but I didn't. I self-represented my own rape case, with my own argument. I won, and I set a precedent. Simply put, lawyers are part of the establishment. They aim to make a profit out of your case. If they can't or they are too weak (most of them) then there will not be representation. This is not a bad thing. It opens the doors for new precedents to be set by the average person. New positions within case law. That would be terrifying. So long as people have the balls to do it. I have written about my case on my substack.

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What an absolutely awful thing to happen to you. I am glad you prosecuted the case successfully.

The population of the UK is not being considered at all in the government policy on illegal migration, or migration generally. They know that it puts us at risk - Cologne for instance: https://www.dw.com/en/new-years-eve-in-cologne-5-years-after-the-mass-assaults/a-56073007

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The internationalists, or at least the elites funding them, are having second thoughts. Their dream of controlling the world through finance hit the rocks of China and Russia. Money alone cannot produce artillery shells, hypersonic missiles or even drones. Which explains the realignment of elites and the sacrifice of most of the true believers.

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What strategies do you have in mind for the natives to succeed?

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We must start with the BBC. Stop paying the licence fee. We need to talk to our middle class neighbours about suicidal empathy.

The battle at the moment is for hearts and minds. Call out people who call you racist as New Racists. Ask people what they want for their children. Talk about Muslim demographics and how our granddaughters may be wearing burka. Show them the stats for schools and the replacement of the population.

We need to vote Reform and never again vote for the uniparty.

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Dec 27
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Simon, you talk racial nonsense and confuse the issue. It's not about black or white. It's not about the Jews. It's not about global banker conspiracies. It's about ISLAM. Since 700 CE the ideology of radical Islam has infected the world and caused more deaths than any other ideology, with Communism coming a close second, followed by Radical Christianity, imposing absolutism on the West. Each of these harmful 'religions' has caused untold millions of deaths of humans across the planet as each has sought to conquer each other to gain supremacy.

A Christian based society CANNOT co-exist with an ISLAMIC society, and vice-versa. Note that I do not say that one is better or lesser than the other. They are inherently diametrically opposed. There is no middle-way. Diplomacy will not work and neither will making magnanimous gestures of 'equality'. That is why there is chaos, confusion, barbarity and mass killings in every country Islam has insurged.

It's as clear as the nose on your face. Invite Islam in, and it will consume the host nation. Look at history from Biblical Times onwards, it is all laid bare there and is being repeated yet again today with the alliance of Leftard Intellectuals who think that T.W.Adorno's 'The Authoritarian Personality' is the template for curing human hate and tyranny. Ergo - any academic or politician who grew up swallowing Adorno's crap since the defeat of Nazism must put the interests of 'minorities' first. They actually think they can 'reason with them and talk them around'!

The violence occurs not because nominal Moslems, Christians or Socialists are evil people but because they tend to vacate their responsibilities due to the moral and spiritual blackmail wielded by the Mullahs on the Make, Popes on the press and the phalanx of Commies in the civil-service and local authorities, who will always tacitly threaten the moderates with their unyielding and terrifying death-wish ideologies, whilst justifying it with lies about sectarian violence.

Nominal Moslems will hardly ever speak out against the radicals because they know the real spitefulness and vindictiveness of Islamic cults and that they will be ostracised and maybe even killed if they do. That is why they choose to come here, to escape that evil which has dragged Moslem countries back to the middle-ages. That is why no Westernised Arabic State wants to have anything to do with the Palestinians or, indeed any other radical Islamic Sect due to internecine fault-lines in Islam itself (the Sunni-Shiah axis) which we see playing itself out yet again, this very day, in Syria.

If Moslems want to commit to worshipping hard-line Islamic belief then they should NOT come to Britain to do it. They should stay in the Middle East and sort that Caliphate out first. Note that I am not averse to nominal Moslems following their own belief individually, in the same way that I am not averse to Christians celebrating their festivals, however Moslems should not expect to impose their religious requirements and expect supremacy in the Host country just as Christians have grown to accept that they have lost their monopoly of our culture over the centuries. If Islamic religious tenets go against the moral and cultural mores of the West then they must be abrogated. They are the interlopers and must recognise that the majority rejects their mediaeval rules.

Indeed, this is exactly the position the Mullahs take in Islamic states. Christians are, by and large, allowed to exist there but NOT to missionise or otherwise interfere with Islam and will always risk reprisals as the 'outsiders'.

In effect, folks, we are in the middle of a Holy War. When in Rome...etc. We are in the middle of The Tenth Crusade against Islam in the history of the West. Firm and fair action is required immediately to avoid Islam gaining supremacy if mass unrest is to be avoided. This has nothing to do with other sects and religions, most of whom understand that they do not have supremacy in Great Britain and are not clamouring for 'special treatment' and therefore do not conflict with the rest of the population. The Jews have lived alongside us for hundreds of years without demanding any of the things Islam thinks they are owed. So have the Albigensians, the Hugeonots, the Cathars, The Hindus and the Buddhists et al.

Radical Islamists keep pushing the boundaries not because they have a valid case but because they despise us as weak and their holy book insists they converse with Infidels SOLELY to further the tenets of Islam . If Kufars (you and I) resist the word of the Quran (as many of us are ipso facto doing at the moment) then the Quran demands that we should be enslaved or destroyed as enemies of God. It has nothing to do with RACIALISM or some crackpot idea of the Zionist New World Order worked-up by the Okrana to create hatred against Russian Jews as the Tzar's empire collapsed after the first world war.

Do please educate yourselves.

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I agree that Islam is a problem. We could discuss objectionable parts of the Koran but the main problem is that Islam needs a public space. It cannot co-exist easily with other cultures.

However the huge problem is with Internationalists who are deliberately importing millions of people who are incompatible with English culture. These Internationalists are hiding behind our debates about ethnicity etc. and sniggering in triumph as their objective of destroying our nation draws nearer. This is a civil war and the migrants are a weapon of this war.

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No. It's ISLAM. The wokeist Leftards who populate the Global Elite base all their ideology on Adorno's faulty analysis of the imagined authoritarian psychology. All the ideas of 'victimhood' which are behind minorities stem from this philosophy. The Demonisation of people as 'Right Wing' stems from this philosophy. Sure there are plenty of people on the make involved in the Wokeist industry and a rich Elite paying for society to be changed from behind the scenes using leading edge technology and other methods but the real motivation of all those people is Adorno's syndrome. The idea that Nationhood breeds Nazis. That's the ignorance we are really fighting and it would be fairly straightforward were it not for the Islamo-Marxist Axis which is creating the very conflicts Adorno imagined and thought he could avoid.

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That is a very good summary but I think Adorno should have followed the money. The propaganda fed to children and students is based on people like Adorno, Derrida etc. but the people running the psychops are the Oligarchs, Multinationals and China (with baby Russia tagging on behind). Geopolitics is the main thread of history.

See https://therenwhere.substack.com/p/forget-gender-polarisation-is-the

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Jan 9
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I am sorry Simon but this is over the top. I am in favour of free speech but please re-read what you wrote.

It is really not possible to hate groups of people to that extent. They are parents and love their children and mothers. Please try to see the humanity in people.

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Absolutely, he is a faker,and the recent video by Farage re Musk confirms this

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There is a choice: Starmer, Badenoch, Davey or Farage. Uniparty or Farage.

When put like this I do not find the choice of who to vote for difficult. Farage is definitely flawed but we have no-one else.

The education system, BBC and MSM have managed to kill any other opposition before it grows.

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Simon, I am sorry but this does not help the UK survive. Anyone reading what you wrote would not be convinced by it because it is not calm and considered.

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Dec 28
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Opposition must happen in stages. There is still scope for democratic measures.

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Agreed. We are way past time for normie platitudes.

Our enemies don’t give a flying fuck about decorum, consideration or calmness. Compliance, subservience and “cockup not conspiracy” got us here. Balls, wrath and meeting fire with more fire will get us out

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Dec 28
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Lets be blunt: your naked hatred is the perfect tool for polarising society. It is what the bad guys want. It is so extreme that 10% of the population might back you but the other 90% will be completely repelled.

Your 20th century blaming of Jews is a massive diversion. Have you considered that your focus on Jews might be exactly what the Internationalists want you to say?

In fact when I was reading your comment I was inclined to delete it because I suspected that it might be a deliberate fake posting by one of the British disinformation agencies - see https://therenwhere.substack.com/p/the-foreign-disinformation-threat

Please read https://therenwhere.substack.com/p/migration-is-now-colonialism which lists the sort of people who are driving the destruction of our civilisation. They are not only Jews, they are psychopaths from all over the place.

If you are genuine the battle against the bad guys needs your energy and anger but you do need to focus on who the bad guys are.

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Dec 28
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The demographic (and so cultural and political) destiny of England and the UK requires remigration, not just deportation of criminals and illegal entrants) in order to avoid its current trajectory of rendering the English and the British a minoirty heading for extinction.

By 2029 after another four years of Labour the electorate will have changed even more (to include gullible 16 and 17 year olds probably) making another uniparty goverment quite possible.

The next election will be our last stand.

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Yes, it will be our last stand. It will be necessary to embrace the large number of migrants who have citizenship and have married English people. I believe this out of common humanity but it is also an issue of practicality. The English are no longer a majority in many large cities. We have to accept that, in a single generation, the Internationalists have changed things utterly.

But many of the new population are good people and can be British. The red line has to be 'this far but no further'.

It is important that the Nationalists do not focus exclusively on what to do about the migrants when the real issue is what to do about the Internationalists.

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I agree that there are migrants who have properly settled here and should not be discriminated against. But, there are between 750k and 1m illegals (HO estimate) and there are among the settled some practicising sedition except Blair abolished that cime in 2009 which needs re-instating.

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Dec 27
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The Day Tapes laid it all out decades ago.

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