The English people were terminated by the EU and mass migration (See The Destruction of Britain). Most English people do not even realize it has happened despite 65% of London, the capital city, being non-English.
The self destruction of the English was a wonder to see. There were two major forces that caused this. These were the Trotskyist ideologists of the Labour Party and the big business interests of the Conservatives. See Why did the English Self-Destruct? The primary backers of the destruction of England were always middle and upper middle class and they came out in the open when they voted Remain.
(See The Destruction of Britain).
What was the psychology of the middle class, university educated Remainer who destroyed us?
Most importantly, why do they believe they will be better off without their own people and without a nation to protect them? Throughout history it has been essential to have your own people around you to protect your children as they inherit your locality and country. Nations were about children, about passing on to them a way of life and a secure environment. Why don’t Remainers care about the inheritance of their neighbours?
I have had numerous discussions with Middle Class Remainers since 2015. They all imagine their children scattering across the world, they are really proud of the daughter who is studying the sex of fish in Zanzibar or the son who works in the aircraft industry in Toulon. The daughter who is running the cleansing department at the local Council has much lower social currency.
The wealthiest of the Middle Class say openly that if it all went wrong in England they would move somewhere else. At least they tell themselves this.
The horizons of the middle class are wide open. The media and their corporate employers have told them that we have an open world with the rule of law throughout. It is an open society where people of any background can ‘succeed’ whatever their origins. It is just a handful of nationalists who are threatening the final attainment of Utopia. The Middle Class believe this.
It is interesting that the Remainer/Rejoiner Middle class are wholeheartedly in favour of mass migration. London is already 65% non-English, the schools in England are already 40% non-English, so the Remainers wish to destroy the desire of the working class English to pass on the culture and security of England to their children. They have succeeded by using migration to destroy ‘evil nationalism’ in England. Is the Remainer utopia within reach?
Unlike most of the Remainer Middle Class I have been to most of the world and I have run and owned a successful medium size business employing people in the UK. I see the issue from outside the Remainer Middle Class goldfish bowl. I have bad news for them. The world is not like they imagine. It never will be. They have been conned into giving up the only real gift they could have given their children: their nation.
This ‘open’ world that beckons the Remainer Middle Class is in truth only the ‘West’. The population of the ‘West’ is probably about 1000 million people. The population of the rest of the world is about 7000 million. The world that is occupied by the 7000 million is not wide open to the English middle class. Even the ‘West’ is not wide open - have you ever tried getting a Green Card? Indeed, the Remainer Middle Class have been conned.
The non-West is increasingly wealthy. It is moving away from democracy as the West declines.
(Image: China Global Times)
The West is so keen to continue trade with China that its corporate media fail to cover the end of the American Empire:
(Source: The World’s Biggest Economy).
The media are so keen to continue trade with China that they blame Russia for all the woes of the world when, without China, Russia would be broke. China is the most dangerous enemy Britain has ever faced and it is not even being recognised as the enemy.
The Remainer Middle Class voted a Labour government into power to deliver the ‘coup de grace’ to the working class English and restore the dream of unimpeded internationalism. Labour is already succeeding at this task. It will be a Pyrrhic victory because Labour has its own agenda and there was never a Utopia. When victory is complete the UK will have a government that is almost National Socialist (authoritarian socialism + capitalist industry) and a minority English population. The EU is also sliding towards National Socialism at an even faster rate than the UK. In 2030 the Remainer Middle Class hope that they will Rejoin ‘Utopia’ but they will be pawns in a world where the UK not only has no influence but is a major part of the problem and offers no future to its children.
China, the Multinationals, International Banks, Internationalist Universities and Media have really shafted them and us. See The Globalist Threat.
Don’t attack migrants. It is the BBC, the Uniparty, the WEF and China who have turned your middle class neighbour into a traitor who has destroyed the country, not the migrants that they used to do it.
Also see: