The much praised IICSA report on child sexual abuse in the UK was a whitewash.
The report: IICSA: report of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse was chaired by Professor Alexis Jay in 2022.
Alexis Jay produced a thorough and honest report on grooming gangs in Rotherham in 2014: Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in Rotherham 1997-2013. It says of the 1,400 girls who were assaulted:
“In just over a third of cases, children affected by sexual exploitation were previously known to services because of child protection and neglect. It is hard to describe the appalling nature of the abuse that child victims suffered. They were raped by multiple perpetrators, trafficked to other towns and cities in the north of England, abducted, beaten, and intimidated. There were examples of children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone. Girls as young as 11 were raped by large numbers of male perpetrators.”
“Within social care, the scale and seriousness of the problem was underplayed by senior managers. At an operational level, the Police gave no priority to CSE, regarding many child victims with contempt and failing to act on their abuse as a crime.”
This is really serious. If you cannot see this you have lost your humanity.
The later IICSA Report in 2022 was obviously the victim of tight terms of reference. Any serious detail was buried in 1,627 subsidiary reports, references and notes that were deliberately, poorly summarised in the main Report.
One of the subsidiary reports, Child sexual exploitation by Organised Networks noted that: “The failure to collect data on the ethnicity of the perpetrators and victims of child sexual exploitation, and the failure to make a public statement of the reasons why it is important to collect such data, have also led to a one-sided and often uninformed public debate where links have been made between ethnicity and a number of high-profile cases involving South Asian men. Allowing this debate to continue without providing a proper context allows an accusatory style of debate in the public domain which is both unhelpful and divisive”.
This statement implies that without accurate ethnicity data the debate is going to be ‘accusatory’, ‘unhelpful and divisive’. Compare this with Jay’s 2014 Rotherham Report which said that “By far the majority of perpetrators were described as 'Asian' by victims, yet throughout the entire period, councillors did not engage directly with the Pakistani-heritage community to discuss how best they could jointly address the issue. Some councillors seemed to think it was a one-off problem, which they hoped would go away. Several staff described their nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought racist; others remembered clear direction from their managers not to do so”.
Professor Jay knew the facts about Rotherham and might have corrected the IICSA report to say that without ethnicity data thousands of poor white girls are being raped, tortured and even murdered. No doubt the terms of reference and instructions from the Conservatives were such that Jay had to hold her fire.
The Government has now asked local authorities to produce reports on Grooming Gangs (Rape Gangs). There is already a Local Authority Report on Oldham.
The Mayor of Greater Manchester, Andy Burnham, in his role as police and crime commissioner, commissioned the Manchester report on events in Oldham and Rochdale. This was a complete whitewash job that claimed that police and local authorities did not have any serious problems. As usual in cases where a whitewash is required, the summary of the Report is inconsistent with its contents. In the summary it says:
“We have concluded that we have been provided with no evidence, either through our interviews or documentary review, to suggest that senior managers or councillors sought to cover up either the existence of child sexual exploitation in Oldham or the complexity involved in tackling the perpetrators.” “there is significant evidence that the council did everything possible to publicise the threat of child sexual exploitation”
In the contents however it reports events that are at variance with the summary:
p20 “We regard this as poor professional judgement by the senior officer..” “There were serious failures by Greater Manchester Police in its investigation of Offender E”
p21 “When we interviewed Sophie [a victim] in 2022, she was shocked and dismayed that Greater Manchester Police had not pursued these lines of investigation and had not shared this information with her despite 10 years of her seeking answers.” “We have set out in Chapter Eight the several serious failures in the 2006 investigation..”
Council officers were actually offenders! “Offender A worked for Oldham Council between 1988 and 2006. He was employed as a welfare rights officer in the welfare rights unit of the council seconded to the Oldham Pakistani Community Centre.” … “In February 2011, Offender C was dismissed from his role as a library officer for downloading sexual images on his computer, including pictures of 'pre-teens', during working time. Oldham Council failed to make a referral to the LADO following this discovery, which would have been prudent given his role with vulnerable adults and children..”
Failures in dealing with offenders were discovered:
p27 “The police alerted Oldham Council of the serious charges in respect of Offender B and requested a strategy meeting due to the children living in his household. We have seen no record of this strategy discussion…”
And so on. The report also relied very heavily on the testimony of Council Officers themselves.
Despite the content of the report, the Summary shows that everything was fine! The Report only mentioned the 2014 Alexis Jay Report once, in passing. If there was no cover up at Oldham and Rochdale there was clearly extreme Misconduct in a Public Office by numerous council officers and the police.
Yvette Cooper has said that there will now be further Local Authority Reports on the Rape Gangs. It is absurd to believe that Local Authority Reports on the Rape Gangs will do anything more than provide a whitewash for Labour. The response to the Rape Gangs and the Reports about the Rape Gangs can only be understood in the context of a group of people, including Yvette Cooper and Andy Burnham, who want to suppress the whole issue.
There is a whole group of people at work here. The existence of a clear group of people who favour mass immigration, multinational corporations, woke and globalism became clear after the EU Referendum. The people who had this cluster of beliefs were the same as the people who were happy to adhere to the aims of political, economic and monetary union with the EU (The Copenhagen Criteria). Their beliefs in mass migration, globalism etc. clearly extend far beyond EU membership so they are rightly called Internationalists. Their opponents are the other 60-70% of the population, the Nationalists. The people who are prone to Internationalism are largely public sector workers, academics, teachers, humanities graduates, migrants and the upper middle classes.
The beliefs of Internationalism appeal to people because they are supported by large numbers of MPs and the mainstream media. This allows people to publicly demonstrate their own virtue (virtue signalling) and publicly condemn and cancel their opponents. This adoption of an Internationalist ID gives an almost religious fervour. Anything that is anti-Internationalist is called racist. Local Authority workers will fail to follow up complaints against ethnic minorities because they believe these are ‘racist’. Councillors will fail to publicise problems caused by ethnic minorities because this will give succour to anti-Internationalists (‘racists’). The new intake into the police force, with their humanities degrees, will fail to investigate race linked events because these might cause a reaction from anti-Internationalists. The Internationalist Labour Party has gone the whole hog and declared that anyone wishing to deal with the rape and torture of 10,000 plus English children is ‘Far Right’. Labour are such fanatics or so heavily indoctrinated that they no longer know evil when they see it. Especially when it is their beliefs that have created this evil.
The mainstream media has failed to hold Yvette Cooper, the Home Secretary, to account on this issue because they are strong Internationalists, especially the BBC. Most other media outlets are owned and controlled by foreign companies and Trusts and also Internationalist. Although only 30% of the population are fanatical Internationalists they have gained control of the three main parties in Parliament, including the Conservatives.
Almost every part of these events, from the suppression of action on the Rape Gangs to the whitewash reports involve Internationalists, either individually or in groups and Parties. If we continue to vote Labour, Tory or LibDem this moral corruption will only spread. Just don’t do it. We will lose our souls and everything that we care about and pass on nothing worthwhile to our children.
It's probably the greatest scandal ever in modern Britain. The establishment is pulling every trick in the book - the latest being councils marking their own homework - to stop all dots being joined up and the full, awful extent being completely known. Of course they will. The state has failed utterly and their complicity too great to be admitted.
My fear is that apathy, indifference, and sullen fatalism in the wider population will prevail. We must not let this be memory holed.