The Internationalist Labour Party has gone the whole hog and declared that anyone wishing to deal with the rape and torture of 10,000 plus English children is ‘Far Right’. Labour are such fanatics or so heavily indoctrinated that they no longer know evil when they see it. Especially when it is their beliefs that have created this evil.
It's probably the greatest scandal ever in modern Britain. The establishment is pulling every trick in the book - the latest being councils marking their own homework - to stop all dots being joined up and the full, awful extent being completely known. Of course they will. The state has failed utterly and their complicity too great to be admitted.
My fear is that apathy, indifference, and sullen fatalism in the wider population will prevail. We must not let this be memory holed.
It's probably the greatest scandal ever in modern Britain. The establishment is pulling every trick in the book - the latest being councils marking their own homework - to stop all dots being joined up and the full, awful extent being completely known. Of course they will. The state has failed utterly and their complicity too great to be admitted.
My fear is that apathy, indifference, and sullen fatalism in the wider population will prevail. We must not let this be memory holed.
We have come to a sorry state if the rape and torture of over 10,000 English girls is met by indifference. I hope that this is not true.