The UK population is about 25% migrant but this figure hides a much bigger effect because these migrants are mostly young people. According to the 2021 Census migrants are now about 33% of the population who are under 45 years of age. These migrants were deliberately introduced by the Internationalists to replace the English and change UK politics and society forever. (See No-one Cared that the English Died).
(Source: ONS)(The upward bulge is probably due to 20 to 30yrs being near the peak age for legal migration - see Note 1 below)
The Census figures are probably a slight underestimate because many migrants were reluctant to take part. If only 10% of migrants were reluctant/illegal then 40% of the UK population under 45 is migrant.
We should expect this vast migrant population to be affecting the politics and society of the UK. The effect of migration is summarised here and the details of sources for the scale of the effect is given in the Notes at the end.
The most important effect of the migrants at present is the election of the Labour Party. About 50% of Labour’s support comes from the migrant vote (See Note 2). Labour is the Party of Migrants, Public Sector workers and graduates with humanities degrees. This means that Labour is loathe to investigate grooming gangs (rape gangs) and promises special treatment for migrants. It also explains why old age pensioners are the target of both political parties, this ‘indigenous group’ are not the voters of the future. Their wealth will be transferred to the new population.
About two thirds of migrants were in favour of remaining in the EU (See Note 4). This is to be expected because migration is what migrants do. Free movement is irresistible to a migrant. This desire of the migrants was very attractive to both Labour and Tory Internationalists because it provides an extra group of people wishing to dispose of the sovereignty of the UK.
The effect of migration can also be seen in the distribution of votes across age groups. This is marked by a clear change in support for policies in the under 45 group. The most dramatic example of this is that around 50% of the under 45s in the UK are happy to countenance dictatorship or military rule. Almost half of this age group (40%) are migrant. Support for dictators is about as ‘un-English’ as you can get.
We cannot expect the migrant population to integrate with English society because they are now the majority in large towns such as London, Manchester and Birmingham (Note 5).
The Internationalists inflicted migration on the country against the wishes of the majority. This is understandable for Labour, which is a Party that now represents migrants, however it was a heinous crime for the Tories. The Tories promised at election after election to reduce migration and yet increased it to replace the population.
The 30% of the English who are Internationalists have inflicted greater harm on the UK than any foreign invader could have done. Labour, Tories and LibDems are Internationalists. Why the Nationalists continued to vote for them, especially for the lying Conservatives, is a mystery. Now they may lose everything as the UK changes to become like Pakistan, Romania or Nigeria.
See Mass Migration Against the Wishes of the People is Colonisation
Note 2:
Migrants overwhelmingly support the Labour Party. The proportion of the electorate that is migrant and supports Labour is 68% of 25% = 17%. The proportion of the whole electorate who voted Labour in 2024 was 34% of those who voted. This means that approximately half of Labour support is from migrant voters. Of course, Labour only got 20% of the vote of the entire, possible electorate so if all of the migrants voted then migrants would be 85% of Labour support, alternatively, if the migrant turnout were less than that of the general population only 30 or 40% of Labour’s vote might have been a migrant vote. Given that Labour’s support is in inner city areas with migrant populations that are over often over 50% of the electorate it is reasonable to reject the lower figure of 30% of labour support being migrant and accept 50% as the true figure.
Note 3:
The younger adults in the UK are receptive to abandoning democracy in favour of totalitarianism:
(From UKONWARD: The Kids Aren’t Alright )
Note 4
An age effect is visible
(Source: Statista)
Note 5:
(Source: ONS Dataset TS021)
It's fascinating that the Left has embraced the open borders Globalisation project driven by international finance capitalism.
For me, White people will need to organise for their own collective interests, particularly as we move more and more closer to becoming a minority.
All this happened under "Liberal Democracy".
That is the heart of the problem. It's just rule by the Merchant Class.