The New National Socialism is a golden opportunity to study how a society makes the transition from a democracy to an authoritarian state.
In the last century it was almost impossible to imagine how Italy and then Germany could have crossed over from a free society to fascism. What was it like to be in a country that made the transition from democracy to fascism? Why didn’t anyone make a stand?
There were clues but these made little sense when trying to explain how it happened:
It was supported by students and teachers
It happened as millions of Jewish migrants fled to Germany
National Socialism is cooperation between big business and authoritarian, socialist government. This defines the movement. It arises out of the Far Left with the support of big business and the middle class/academia.
All of these clues were clear in the last century but surely the Italians and Germans must have seen what was coming?
At the time fascism was born, the Soviet Union was the main example of revolutionary change. However, this change was from an authoritarian monarchy to an authoritarian communist state. The transition from democracy to authoritarianism was virtually unknown. The only clear example of a change from democracy to fascism was the rise of Napoleon III in France. Napoleon III was a keen socialist in 1848 and this persuaded the people to elect him as President. In 1851 he mounted a coup and became Emperor. He was an archetypal National Socialist, he espoused socialist, authoritarian politics whilst permitting free, capitalist enterprise. France became the first National Socialist state between 1851 and 1870.
Most historians believe that France was romantically inclined towards the Napoleonic myth and so they willingly supported Napoleon III and had no real attachment to democracy in 1848. It is interesting that similar sentiments were rife in Italy prior to the rise of Mussolini after WWI. This was also the case in Germany where the Kaiser had ruled until 1918.
Given that the UK/USA have had forms of democratic government for over 200 years can we actually learn much from the way that National Socialism arose in other countries? The histories of other countries can provide clues about the mechanism of the transition. The histories also suggest that the transition to National Socialism depends on how deeply democracy is embedded in the national culture.
National Socialism was responsible for shocking evils in the 20th century and it is incredible that it is happening again. However, National Socialism is enabled by left wing academics and historians who portray National Socialist states as fundamentally nationalist. This is appalling disinformation because National Socialism is about authoritarian socialism+big business. Other factors such as patriotism and racism are just useful tools for gaining support. It was the expansionism of the National Socialists that caused WWII, not their nationalism. The reality is that in the 20th Century the National Socialists were defeated by patriotic, Nationalist Democracies. Contrary to their name National Socialists are often Internationalist and it is their authoritarian socialism plus big business that distinguishes them from other nationalists. Fortunately, with the seamless transition to National socialism in China, Vietnam etc., it is now obvious that National Socialism comes from authoritarian socialism.
The route to obtaining the New National Socialism varies between countries. In China it involved a seamless privatisation of industry, in Russia a slightly less seamless privatisation but with the same result: capitalist industry run by oligarchs. Neither China nor Russia are now communist states because the fundamental principle of Marxism is the state control of industry.
In the UK and USA the big industries are already mostly in the hands of oligarchs and oligarchical/interrelated boards of directors. The necessary step for National Socialism in the West is to terminate democracy and replace it with authoritarian socialism. This seemed impossible in the 20th century because democracy is a cultural phenomenon that underpins US and UK cultures. Our enemies have known this since the 1960s, ever since they were communists. This is why “culture war” is the meme of the last few decades. Once the culture war has been completed the UK and USA will no longer be attached to democracy.
From the historical viewpoint we are lucky to be able to witness the methods being used to rid us of the attachment to democracy. Free speech is being terminated across Europe with a rash of new laws against “stirring up hatred” in Germany, Ireland, Scotland, Canada and elsewhere. This seems to be a coordinated attack although it is always dangerous to blame the coordination on particular entities such as the World Economic Forum (WEF), even though big business is the other, essential arm of National Socialism.
National Socialism is on the rise in the EU. In France the National Rally party has a clearly socialist manifesto that promises presents for the low paid such as:
No income tax for those aged under 30. VAT at 0 percent for essential products as long as inflation is one point higher than growth. No employer contributions on pay rises up to 10 percent. Increase to low pensions and early retirement at 60 for 40 years of work. An end to inheritance tax for middle and low-income families.
Unsurprisingly it was far left voters and the young who made the greatest switch to National Rally in the 2022 Parliamentary elections. The AfD party in Germany has a similar pattern of support.
The UK and USA currently lack any significant parties that propose authoritarian socialism plus free market capitalism. However, the Democrat party in the USA and Labour in the UK are moving towards implementing a whole raft of authoritarian legislation to suppress their opponents (laws against “stirring up hatred”) which may provide an alternative route to National Socialism once the cultures of these countries have been sufficiently damaged. The race is on in the West between the authoritarian mainstream socialist parties and parties that are already displaying full National Socialist manifestos. Who wins this race depends on how far the population detests migration. The outcome will be almost the same whoever wins (unless you are a migrant).
The prospect of a huge majority for Labour in the coming UK elections means that by 2029 the UK will probably have slid into a fairly irreversible form of National Socialism. Watch out for a deluge of legislation to regulate the media and social media so that opposition is no-platformed (cf: Scotland’s recent Acts). We will also see the enfranchisement of any groups that could support Labour from 16 years olds to recent migrants. Expect mass migration to finally destroy the old culture. Scotland already permits reporting on and punishment of aberrant political views within people’s own homes and this will be adopted by Labour. AIs will be introduced on all communication channels to prevent “right wing” views - which will largely be calls for a return to democracy. However, as in France in 1848, Italy in 1922, Germany in 1933 etc. the people will no longer have any deep attachment to democracy, the culture will have gone.
Labour are the socialist wing of the New National Socialism but don’t expect the Conservatives in the UK to be anything other than the big business end of the same monster. Only the Reform Party is a traditional English party in the UK, it opposes migration but does not threaten migrants and is sceptical of both socialism and big business.
It looks like the 2024 election will usher in an age of New National Socialism where oligarchs lord it over an ever more impoverished and cowed population. Where Western and Eastern leaders and oligarchs can finally understand each other as equals. Where an aristocracy of oligarchs can once again operate securely and happily when they have finally got rid of that pesky UK/USA tendency to individual liberty.
So why is no-one stopping the rise of National Socialism in the West? We would normally expect protest to come from university students but the students are keen supporters of the change to National Socialism. As the opinion polls show:
(From UKONWARD: The Kids Aren’t Alright )
It is also very difficult to make a stand when the population has been trained to believe that National Socialism is most likely to arise from patriotic members of society who are imbued with their national culture rather than from psychopathic far left politicians who can see the financial benefits of being in bed with big business.
We have been prevented from waking up to the National Socialist threat by the big lie that Hitler was a product of conservatism. No National Socialist state has ever originated from conservatives (1930’s fascism came from Marxists and recently China, Vietnam, Russia etc. all owe their National Socialism to the Far Left). No-one should be surprised at this truth because National Socialism is an ideology whereas conservatism is about managing the country. Fascism is socialism’s dirty secret that would sink the whole ideology if this were understood. Sadly the lie that fascism comes from conservatives has been repeated so often it is taken to be the truth even though the modern National Socialist states prove the opposite.
So how can we stop the rise of National Socialism? How? Maybe things looked the same in late 1920s/early 1930s Germany, the teachers, students and big business were all backing Hitler and after 1933 anyone daring to speak out disappeared into a “camp”. I am doubtful that we can stop the tide of history.